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The archives is the repository for all the official and historical records of the diocese. Our collection includes a library, extensive document and photograph collections, parish registers and a growing collection of three-dimensional items from our closed churches.

The 6th floor of Bishop Tuttle Memorial building is home to the archives. What was originally space designed for three 2-room apartments for unmarried Cathedral clergy at the time the building was constructed, now provides space for our Library with room for reading and research, and for our growing collection of materials on clergy, Standing Committee, Diocesan Council, Parochial Trust Fund and COEDMO, congregations, committees, commissions, task forces, organizations and institutions, and the records of our bishops. The Archives of Christ Church Cathedral also have a room reserved for their collections.

Archivist Sue Rehkopf is happy to provide assistance for any congregation needing help establishing or maintaining their archives. And if your congregation is working on writing your congregation’s history, resources in the archives as well as the archivist are available to you. Sue is also happy to provide information relating to the history of the diocese and of any of our congregations, organizations and institutions.

Archive of Convention Journals