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Evangelism is the spiritual practice of seeking, naming, and celebrating Jesus' loving presence in the stories of all people -- and sharing that practice with others. Evangelism is not a burden or a chore. It is the great gift of being able to give and receive grace and hope and truth from everyone we meet. It is God reaching right down into our lives to find us and help us find each other.

Community Listening

The goal of community listening is to create a mutual community ministry. The Rev. Canon Whitney Rice has put together information on this topic and is available to lead workshops to help you develop community listening strategies for your congregation.

Evangelism with Integrity

How do we practice evangelism with spiritual integrity, out of our values and identity? We build spiritual intimacy with one another. We go to the deep places of life and explore how we find and struggle to find God there.

The Rev. Canon Whitney Rice leads our evangelism and discipleship development initiatives for the Diocese. Canon Whitney offers educational and spiritual programs throughout the year and has authored a six-part video curriculum "Evangelism with Integrity," which is available for all to use:

Download the study guide for Evangelism with Integrity.

Additional Evangelism programs from the Episcopal Church

Explore evangelism initiatives of the Episcopal Church