“It is a Christian obligation to vote, and more than that, it is the church’s responsibility to help get souls to the polls.”
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry
During the 2024 Missouri Legislative Session, Episcopalians in the Diocese of Missouri started using Voter Voice software to contact legislators and, more importantly, expand our networks of Christians across Missouri advocating for the prevention of gun violence, for publicly governed public education, for healthcare for LGBTQ people and more.
We must continue to build our advocacy network to make our voices heard as Christians advocating for justice and peace in Missouri. We must continue to strengthen relationships with our legislators and build our presence in Jefferson City during the 2025 Legislative Session. Thanks to the generous donations of 34 people, Voter Voice has been funded for 2025! We will need additional funds for materials, travel and other advocacy expenses. If you wish to donate to Public Advocacy efforts in the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri, you may do so here: https://diocesemo.org/
Thank you!
Support The Mission
During the 2024 Missouri Legislative Session, Episcopalians in the Diocese of Missouri started using Voter Voice software to contact legislators and, more importantly, expand our networks of Christians across Missouri advocating for the prevention of gun violence, for publicly governed public education, for healthcare for LGBTQ people and more.
We must continue to build our advocacy network to make our voices heard as Christians advocating for justice and peace in Missouri. We must continue to strengthen relationships with our legislators and build our presence in Jefferson City during the 2025 Legislative Session. A first step is securing funding to renew our subscription in Voter Voice software - a powerful organizing tool that we just began to learn how to use in the 2024 Legislative Session, thanks to the generosity of Episcopalians at the 2023 Diocesan Convention. If you cannot give, please share the Go Fund Me link. All funds (minus fees) will be sent to the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri. Our goal is to raise the $5000.00 by Monday, October 7. Thank you!
From the Office of the Bishop
Additional Resources
The Environment
Gun Violence Prevention
Public Education
Women's Reproductive Rights
Voting Rights
Workers' Rights
- Full page flyer
- Half page flyer
- Proposition A Endorsement Form
- Proposition A Social Media Kit
- Missouri Jobs with Justice
- Missourians for Health Families and Fair Wages
- Labor in the Pulpits
The League of Women Voters: Vote 411
The League of Women Voters offers an award-winning voting and election resource. Vote 411 provides reliable, nonpartisan information in both English and Spanish, including candidates guides, voter registration and verification, details about your unique ballot, and how to vote in your state.
The Episcopal Church: Election Engagement
Getting souls to the polls isn’t just about casting our own vote, but about working together so we all can vote and vote faithfully. We can empower every voice in our congregations in this work. The Office of Government Relations offers several resources, including:
2024 Vote Faithfully Election Engagement Toolkit
Communications Toolkit + Bulletin Inserts for Election Engagement
Misinformation, Disinformation, Fake News: Why Do We Care?
The Diocese of Missouri: Vote Faithfully Academy
The Vote Faithfully Academy was an opportunity to discuss with other faithful Christians how our faith informs our politics, better understand the Episcopal Church's position on often divisive policy issues, and discern with other Christians how Christ calls us to show up in the world.
The Rev. Aaron Rogers led this discussion on Aug. 24 from 10 a.m. to noon.