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Gun violence impacts the lives of every community within the Diocese of Missouri. We have seen a steady rise in the level of gun violence that goes well beyond the heartbreaking increase in mass shootings. As followers of Jesus, we are charged with building Beloved Community, a community in which everyone is cared for, absent of poverty, hunger, violence, and hate.

The Missioner for Gun Violence Prevention seeks to equip members of the Diocese of Missouri to advocate for changes in gun policy on the local and state level while offering opportunities for formation and education on the impact of gun violence on communities. The Missioner also invites members of the Diocese to gather in vigil to. honor those who have been lost to gun violence as well as promote visibility through the yearly Wear Orange Sunday events.

The Rev. Meghan Ryan is our Missioner for Gun Violence Prevention. She works alongside diocesan members Jeff Wunrow (advocacy) and Janet Hyde (education) to lead the Gun Violence Prevention Advisory Committee, whose work centers on promoting gun safety, legislative advocacy, and education. You can reach them at gunsafety@diocesemo.org.

The missioner's responsibilities include:

  • The creation of a Council of Advice along with naming associate missioners to assist in carrying out their duties.
  • Provide theological, scriptural, liturgical, and foundational resources for this ongoing work: lament, advocacy, and education.
  • Provide responses in conjunction with the Bishop.
  • Provide resources to communities of faith within the Diocese around advocating and acting on the behalf of the unhoused, oppressed, and marginalized.
  • Provide opportunities for preaching and teaching in communities of faith that make up the Diocese.
  • Submit an annual report to the Diocesan Convention.
  • Plan the Diocesan Gun Violence Vigil in December with the Bishop and other community leaders.

Gun Violence Prevention Advisory Committee Members

  • Donna Bernart - St. Francis Episcopal Church, Eureka
  • Betty Bowersox - Grace Episcopal Church, Kirkwood
  • Sally Boyd - St. Barnabas, Florissant
  • Lore Gross - Christ Church Cathedral, St. Louis
  • Colleen Haggerty - Grace Episcopal Church, Kirkwood
  • Machelle West - The Episcopal Church of All Saints and Ascension, Northwoods
  • Jeff Wunrow - Trinity Episcopal Church, St. Louis