The Offices of the Bishop and the diocesan staff are located on the third floor of the Bishop Tuttle Memorial Building, which is connected to Christ Church Cathedral in downtown St. Louis.
Our address is:
The Episcopal Diocese of Missouri
1210 Locust Street
St. Louis, MO 63103
The Rt. Rev. Deon K. Johnson Bishop of The Diocese of Missouri
To contact the Bishop, please email Jillian Smith at
Deon Kevin Johnson was consecrated as the 11th Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri on June 13, 2020, at Christ Church Cathedral in St. Louis. He became the first black, first gay, first immigrant to serve as bishop in this diocese.
Johnson was born and raised in a small village on the Caribbean island of Barbados. His faith was formed under the watchful eye of his maternal grandmother who taught him how to pray, how to listen with his heart and introduced him to the beauty of worship in the hymns and spirituals she sang throughout Deon’s childhood. He immigrated from Barbados to New York at the age of 14.
"I see my role primarily as pastoral in this time in the church and the world," the bishop said.
Johnson and his husband Jhovanny Osorio are the proud parents of two children, Lilohalani and Ja’Lon. He enjoys cooking, photography, hiking and being an armchair movie critic.
Canon Susan RehkopfDiocesan Archivist and Registrar
The Rev. Canon Doris WestfallCanon to the Ordinary
The Rev. Canon Whitney RiceCanon for Evangelism and Discipleship Development
Canon Desiree BrattinCanon for Finance and Administration
Canon Susan Rehkopf Diocesan Archivist and Registrar
Contact Sue Rehkopf:
- 314-231-1220, ext. 1375
Sue worked as a secretary in the diocesan office from 1972 to 1980. She left to work in bank marketing for 15 years, and returned to the diocese at the request of Bishop Rockwell in 2020. In between her time with the diocese, Sue was a consultant for marketing and product development. She set up three community historical society archives and taught basic archives management to those groups.
Sue is a member of National Episcopal Historians and Archivists, Historical Society of the Episcopal Church, Society of American Archivists, Midwest Archives Conference and Association of St. Louis Area Archivists. She serves as the President of the Historical Society of University City.
Sue is a member of St. John's Episcopal Church in Eolia.
Contact Sue for:
- Historical records, artifacts and photos
- Parish history; Diocesan organization and program history
- Baptismal and confirmation records, letters of transfer from closed churches
- Genealogical information
The Rev. Canon Doris Westfall Canon to the Ordinary
Contact the Rev. Canon Doris Westfall:
- 314-231-1220, ext. 1377
The Rev. Doris Westfall became Canon to the Ordinary in the Diocese of Missouri in 2019. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology, with minors in Sociology and Theology from Valparaiso University. She earned her Master's Degree in Social Work from St. Louis University and a Master of Divinity degree from the University of the South. The Rev. Canon Doris is certified by the Interim Ministry Network in Transitional Ministry and has completed work in Appreciative Transitional Ministry. Before becoming a priest, she was Director of Services for the St. Louis Society for the Blind and Visually Impaired. She is married to David Westfall and has three grown sons, two Teddy Roosevelt terriers and three cats. When she is not busy visiting parishes, she is dreaming of visiting Scotland!
The Rev. Canon Doris' duties include:
- Parish search process
- Updating clergy and lay professional resumes and OTM profiles
- Diocesan Convention planning
- Diocesan Constitutions and Canons
- Title IV (ecclesiastical discipline)
- Diocesan Programs
- Clergy days and retreats
- Standing Committee
To schedule an appointment with the Rev. Canon Doris Westfall, please contact Jillian Smith in the Bishop's Office.
The Rev. Canon Whitney Rice Canon for Evangelism and Discipleship Development
Contact the Rev. Canon Whitney Rice:
- 314-231-1220, ext. 1383
The Rev. Canon Whitney Rice is an Episcopal priest who serves as the Canon for Evangelism & Discipleship Development for the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri. She is a graduate of Yale Divinity School where she won the Yale University Charles S. Mersick Prize for Public Address and Preaching and the Yale University E. William Muehl Award for Excellence in Preaching. She has taught undergraduate courses at the University of Indianapolis and has contributed to Lectionary Homiletics, the Young Clergy Women’s Project journal Fidelia’s Sisters, and other publications. She has served as a researcher and community ministry grant consultant for the Indianapolis Center for Congregations, is currently a staff writer for the Episcopal Digital Network’s Sermons That Work, and is an active participant in the activist clergy community for racial and economic justice in St. Louis. A communicator of the gospel at heart, she writes and teaches at Episcopal, United Methodist, and ELCA churches on a wide variety of topics including rethinking evangelism, stewardship, leadership, women’s theology of the body, mysticism, and spiritual development. When she’s not thinking about theology, particularly the intersection of evangelism and justice work (which is all the time, seriously), you’ll find her swing dancing. Find more of her work at her website Roof Crashers & Hem Grabbers (www.
Her ministries include:
- Evangelism
- Discipleship Development
- Children & Youth
- Experimental Ministries/Missional Communities
- Fresh Start
- Ordination Process
- Ordination Redesign
- Re-Imagining Task Force
- Requiem or Renaissance
Canon Desiree Brattin Canon for Finance and Administration
Contact Canon Desiree Bratton:
- 314-231-1220, ext. 1371
Desiree has been a member of the Bishop's staff in the Diocese of Missouri since 1994. She has a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville and was given the title of Canon by Bishop Deon Johnson in 2020. She is married to Travis Brattin and has two children.
Additional Staff Members
Rita BensonFinance and Benefits Administration
The Rev. Deacon Loretta GoBishop's Chaplain, Deacon at St. Stephen's and the Vine in Ferguson, and Missioner for Recovery Ministries
Tracy GrigsbyAdministrator for Diocesan Operations
The Rev. Hope JernaganChaplain, Rockwell House Episcopal Campus Ministry
The Ven. Harry LeipArchdeacon (Diocesan) and Deacon, Trinity Episcopal Church, St. Louis
Erin MeadowsFinance Administrative Assistant
AhSa-Ti Nu FordCommunications Director
The Rev. Erin PickersgillMinistry Developer for Children and Youth Ministry
Canon Susan RehkopfDiocesan Archivist and Registrar
The Rev. Aaron RogersMinistry Developer for Young Adult Ministry and Priest-in-Charge, St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, Ferguson
Jillian SmithExecutive Assistant to the Bishop and the Canon to the Ordinary
Rita Benson Finance and Benefits Administration
Contact Rita Benson:
- 314-231-1220, ext. 1384
Rita has worked for the Diocese of Missouri since 2011. She has a bachelor of science degree in business administration, with an emphasis in finance. Before coming to the diocese, Rita worked as a software computer specialist contractor for IBM and as an accounting coordinator for a local broadcasting company. Rita is married to Lewis Benson and the couple has two children and one grandson. Rita is from a large family and absolutely loves family gatherings!
Rita's duties include:
- Changes in health, life, and disability insurance benefits, open enrollment, CPG
- Changes in employee status
- Flexible Spending Accounts
- Accounts receivables
- UTO Grants
- Diocesan program financial reports
- Parochial reports
- Background checks
- Diocesan payroll (not individual parish payroll)
The Rev. Deacon Loretta Go Bishop's Chaplain, Deacon at St. Stephen's and the Vine in Ferguson, and Missioner for Recovery Ministries
Tracy Grigsby Administrator for Diocesan Operations
Contact Tracy Grigsby:
- 314-231-1220, ext. 1300
Tracy has executed the duties required for the Admin for Diocesan Operations for the Diocesan Office since 2005. Prior to joining the Diocesan Office, Tracy was an Assistant Front Office Manager for Clarion Hotel, where she received the “Yes I Can” Award for her work ethic, and commitment to increasing the business and professional demeanor and attitude. In addition, Tracy was a Logistics Agent for Transentric, a subsidiary of the Union Pacific Corporation. Tracy’s duties included providing real-time visibility and logistical tracking to aerospace, barge, and trucking companies, and tracking railcar deliveries to Mexico and Canada.
Tracy has an Associates of Arts in Business Management degree from Western International University, and a Bachelor of Science in Business from the University of Phoenix.
Tracy's duties include:
- Conference room scheduling
- Courier requests
- Database (updates, additions, deletions)
- Office equipment manager
- Office supplies
- Receptionist
- Switchboard
- Track entry & exit of staff and visitors
- Support for the following groups:
- Convocations
- Diocesan Council
- Dismantling Racism Commission
- Standing Committee
The Rev. Hope Jernagan Chaplain, Rockwell House Episcopal Campus Ministry
Contact the Rev. Hope Jernagan:
- 314-683-7707
Hopie became the chaplain at Rockwell House Episcopal Campus Ministry in 2021, but her connection to the ministry goes back over 20 years to when she was a student at Washington University and an active member at Rockwell House. It was during her time as a student there that she discerned her call to the priesthood. She is a graduate of The General Theological Seminary. After her ordination, Hopie served for five years as assistant and then head chaplain at the Episcopal School of Jacksonville in the Diocese of Florida. She is the recipient of the Bishop’s Cross Award in the Diocese of Florida for her pastoral handling of a school tragedy. She is a former executive director of a nonprofit startup in St. Louis, and has also worked as a communications and design consultant for churches and nonprofits. Hopie is married to The Rev. Luke Jernagan, and has three school-aged children. In addition to these loves, she also loves gardening, traveling, and her gym.
The Ven. Harry Leip Archdeacon (Diocesan) and Deacon, Trinity Episcopal Church, St. Louis
Contact the Ven. Harry Leip:
- 314-361-4655
Harry was appointed by Bishop Johnson as the diocesan archdeacon in 2021 after serving as a deacon since 2011. He has been part of the Episcopal Church since 1993 when he joined Trinity Episcopal in St. Louis in the city's Central West End neighborhood and after his ordination was assigned by the bishop to that community as their deacon. As a sci-fi nerd, Harry is a native St. Louisan who lives in South St. Louis with his husband Ed and they love to travel, garden and hang out with friends. As a bi-vocational deacon, Harry works at a financial services company as part of its IT leadership staff.
Harry's duties as archdeacon include assisting the bishop and diocesan staff in the logistics for diocesan liturgies, leading the Community of Deacons and helping those who are discerning a call to Holy Orders.
Erin Meadows Finance Administrative Assistant
Contact Erin Meadows:
- 314-231-1220, ext. 1387
Erin joined the Bishop’s staff in 2024 as the Finance Administrative Assistant. Before joining this amazing team, she studied business administration with a concentration in healthcare management and has experience from medical billing and banking, to administrative coordination for an HVAC company. At the Diocese, Erin takes pride in supporting the finance department’s operations and currently manages all accounts payable, reimbursements, and general check requests. When she’s not at the office, you can find Erin cheering on her two sons at their baseball, golf, football, and basketball games. Her passion for family fuels her dedication to the Diocese.
AhSa-Ti Nu Ford Communications Director
Contact AhSa-Ti Nu Ford:
- 314-231-1220 ex. 1385
AhSa-Ti joined the diocesan communications team in the spring of 2021. She is a sound engineer, artistic activist and social media specialist with a Bachelor's degree in Sound Arts from Ex'pression College for Digital Arts in Emeryville, CA. AhSa-Ti's background spans across the multimedia spectrum having worked in film, television, live corporate events, theaters and festivals. Having worked with various artists, companies and organizations, AhSa-Ti brings her passion of artistry, technology and community activism to every project and production.
The Rev. Erin Pickersgill Ministry Developer for Children and Youth Ministry
Contact the Rev. Erin Pickersgill:
- 314-231-1220, ext. 1394
Erin was ordained a priest in December 2022 at Christ Church Cathedral. She grew up in Webster Groves, but has spent the last twenty years living and serving in different parts of the UK. What was meant to be a simple gap year in Belfast turned into half of her life in Northern Ireland and many different places in England.
After she graduated from MSU in Springfield with a degree in Arts and Letters, she worked and lived in neighborhoods in Belfast alongside a mission organization, whose emphasis was on peace and reconciliation. She mentored young leaders and traveled to places of conflict in the Middle East, Asia and Africa, teaching a curriculum on forgiveness through the International Forgiveness Institute.
Her first introduction to the Anglican communion was her involvement with a church plant in East Belfast called Wells. She married David, who’s English, and they moved around England, with their two young daughters. While her husband trained for the priesthood, she had some fun jobs like bakery apprentice, swimming instructor, and cafe barista/cook.
At the end of a three year course to become an Ignatian Spiritual director, Erin started to feel the Spirit’s invitation to the priesthood for herself. After a few years of discernment in the Church of England, Erin trained and finished her Masters degree in Theology, Ministry and Mission through St. Mellitus College in the East Midlands.
The pandemic became a time for her and her family to evaluate and consider where they would like to live for the next part of their lives, and St. Louis became an obvious spot to be closer to family and friends.
Erin loves writing poetry (badly), skateboarding (badly), wild swimming, binging mediocre tv, and trying new things. She feels incredibly blessed to be able to work with the Diocese of Missouri and thankful for the opportunity to grow, learn and serve here back in her hometown.
Canon Susan Rehkopf Diocesan Archivist and Registrar
Contact Sue Rehkopf:
- 314-231-1220, ext. 1375
Sue worked as a secretary in the diocesan office from 1972 to 1980. She left to work in bank marketing for 15 years, and returned to the diocese at the request of Bishop Rockwell in 2020. In between her time with the diocese, Sue was a consultant for marketing and product development. She set up three community historical society archives and taught basic archives management to those groups.
Sue is a member of National Episcopal Historians and Archivists, Historical Society of the Episcopal Church, Society of American Archivists, Midwest Archives Conference and Association of St. Louis Area Archivists. She serves as the President of the Historical Society of University City.
Sue is a member of St. John's Episcopal Church in Eolia.
Contact Sue for:
- Historical records, artifacts and photos
- Parish history; Diocesan organization and program history
- Baptismal and confirmation records, letters of transfer from closed churches
- Genealogical information
The Rev. Aaron Rogers Ministry Developer for Young Adult Ministry and Priest-in-Charge, St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, Ferguson
Contact the Rev. Aaron Rogers:
- 314-231-1220, ext. 1389
Aaron Rogers is a passionate priest, pastor, and teacher based in St. Louis, MO. Aaron received his B.S. from Bradley University, his Master of Divinity degree from Eden Theological Seminary, a certificate in Youth and Theology from Princeton Theological Seminary, a certificate in Nonprofit Management from the Institute of Ethical leadership at Rutgers University Business School, an Executive Certificate in Religious Fundraising from the Lake Institute, and a diploma in Anglican Studies from Virginia Theological Seminary.
Formerly, Aaron has served as the Associate Minister of Stewardship and Development at the historic Riverside Church in Harlem, NY and as the Associate to the Rector for Trinity Episcopal Church in the Central West End neighborhood of St. Louis. Notably Aaron has been awarded a number of prestigious fellowships throughout his career and ministry which include being named a Public Policy fellow for Leadership Newark (2016), an Engle Preaching Fellow at Princeton Preaching Theological Seminary (2019), a Trinity Wall Street Leadership Fellow (2023), and a University of Missouri St. Louis Neighborhood Leadership Fellow (2024).
Aaron serves the community of the St. Louis Metropolitan area by serving as the board chair for East Side Aligned, a collective impact organization for children and youth in East Saint Louis and for Faith for Justice, a coalition of Christian activists in the St. Louis area. He has also been a member of the Community Governance Board for Forward Through Ferguson's Racial Healing and Justice Fund for the last three years.
Currently, Fr. Aaron serves as the Priest-in-Charge of St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church Ferguson and on the diocesan staff as the Ministry Developer for Young Adults. He also serves as a faculty member for Project Resource, an initiative out of the Office of Bishops aimed at resourcing Episcopal congregations across the church. At 184th Diocesan Convention, he was appointed as a clergy deputy to the Province V Council.
Aaron serves the Diocese of Missouri as a member of the Emery Washington Convocation Leadership Council and as a member of the Dismantling Racism Commission’s Leadership Team. He lives in Florissant, Missouri with his wife Trina' and their two daughters, Cameron and Olivia. Aaron enjoys reading, writing poetry, hiking, board games, photography, and brunch. Aaron is a proud member of the St. Louis Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
Jillian Smith Executive Assistant to the Bishop and the Canon to the Ordinary
Contact Jillian Smith:
- 314-231-1220, ext. 1370
Jillian joined the Bishop's staff in 2017 as the Director of the Deaconess Anne House and began serving as Executive Assistant to the Bishop and Canon to the Ordinary in August 2019. Jillian has a Bachelor's degree in history, with a minor in sociology from the University of Evansville. She was a corps member of the first class at Deaconess Anne House, where she served with Episcopal City Mission and All Saints' Episcopal Church. After her internship with DAH, Jillian became the Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries at St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Ladue from 2014-2017. She is married to Anthony Cabrera.
Jillian's duties include:
- Appointments for the Bishop
- Appointments for the Canon to the Ordinary
- Lay licensing
- Remarriage petitions and authorizations
- Bishop's visitations
- Renewal of ministry
- Letters Dimissory
- Chrism oil
- Supply Clergy list
- Clergy Retreats
- License to Officiate
- Non-parochial Reports
- Safe Church, Safe Communities
- Discernment Logistics
- Mission Congregation Appointments