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The Episcopal Diocese of Missouri offers the several grants and loans to churches and individuals throughout each year.

Additional information and applications will be available on this page when they become available throughout the year. 

New Ventures in Community Ministry Grants 2025

Do you have a great idea for a new ministry in your community? New Ventures in Community Ministry grant applications are due July 26, 2024. 

Church Assistance Endowment Fund Grants 2025

These grants are offered each spring. 

Application Deadline: April 29, 2025

Below, you will find the 2025 grant application form for the Church Assistance Endowment
Grant Program. Forty-five years ago, $205,000 was allocated by the Venture in Mission Steering
Committee to establish the Church Assistance Endowment Fund. The fund balance is now over
$1,071,000 and the Trustees of the Corporation of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri
(COEDMO), who manage this program use a formula that has allocated $50,600 for 2025 grants.
The purpose of these grants is to provide financial assistance to congregations for capital
maintenance and/or repairs. This financial resource has assisted our congregations with costly and sometimes unexpected projects such as roof repairs/replacements, sewer repairs, and tuck-pointing. It has enabled other projects such as painting, refurbishing parish halls, or providing handicap accessibility.

Over its forty-five-year history, this fund has awarded $1,340,664.

Get all the details about the grants and the application process by downloading this document:

Diocese of Missouri Clergy Continuing Education Grants

These funds are available to active, canonically resident clergy in the Diocese of Missouri. Please submit your application at least three weeks prior to the event registration deadline to allow time for application evaluation. It is expected that both the clergy member and the congregation/faith community will share in the cost as well as applying diocesan funds. Summary report of learning (1-2 pages) should be submitted to the Canon for Evangelism & Discipleship Development within two weeks after the event. Future grant requests will not be considered if a summary report is not submitted.

Diocese of Missouri Lay Formation Grants

These funds are available to active lay members of faith communities in the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri. Please submit your application at least three weeks prior to the event registration deadline to allow time for application evaluation. It is expected that both the lay member and the congregation/faith community will share in the cost as well as utilizing diocesan funds.

Kelton White Fund Loan

The income from the Kelton and Alma Mayland White Memorial Trust may be used, with the advice and consent of the Standing Committee, to make loans to congregations for use in making capital improvements. The manner and amount of the loans, whether any interest is to be charged (and if so, how much), and the terms of repayment are all in the sole and exclusive discretion of the Bishop of Missouri, subject only to the requirement of Standing Committee advice and consent.