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Within his first few months as Bishop of The Episcopal Diocese of Missouri, the Rt. Rev. Deon K. Johnson wrote an anti-racism covenant, inviting people of faith to actively seek equality and justice in our communities.

"The sin of racism disrupts the harmony and oneness that God intends for humanity," Bishop Johnson states in the introduction to his covenant. "Racism is dangerous, divisive, and damaging. Racism purports that some are deserving of dignity over others and disregards the image and likeness of God found in every human being. We are created in the image of God; therefore, to engage in racism of any form is to refuse to acknowledge the image of God in the other and the stranger. The fact that we were created in the image of God should remind us that each person is a living expression of God that must be respected, preserved, and never dishonored."

The covenant contains a list of laments, to acknowledge our sins and our failure to respect the dignity of every human being. Once we recognize the places in which the church and people of faith have fallen short of God’s love, particularly in the legacy of racism and white supremacy, we offer a list of covenants to help us amend our lives to more fully reflect God’s dream of Beloved Community.

Within weeks of its publication, hundreds of people from around the country had signed up to make this covenant, or promise, to actively seek equality and justice in our communities.

We invite individuals and groups of all faiths and ages to sign on to this covenant and share your stories with us.