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You can make a secure financial transaction to the Diocese of Missouri through our ACS online donation portal.

Click the "GIVE" button below and follow the prompts to provide the necessary information. You will find information about the different funds listed below the donate button.

You can use a credit card or route money from a checking or savings account.

  • The Episcopal Diocese of Missouri is a non-profit 501(C)(3) religious organization.
  • Contributions are tax deductible.
  • The Tax ID number for the Diocese of Missouri is 43-0653302.

Thank you for your generosity!


About the Funds

Listed here in alphabetical order:

  • Absalom Jones Offering: Presiding Bishop Michael Curry invites Episcopalians to deepen their participation in Christ’s ministry of reconciliation by dedicating offerings at observances of the Feast of Absalom Jones (February 13) and making individual donations to support St. Augustine’s University in Raleigh, NC, and Voorhees College in Denmark, SC, two historically black Episcopal institutions of higher education. Read more.
  • Bishop's Annual Appeal: The Bishop chooses three ministries each year as the recipients of this special fundraising campaign. All donations received are split through the three chosen funds. Read more.
  • Bishop's Discretionary Fund: A fund used by the Rt. Rev. Deon Johnson for items, ministries, and special occasions not covered by the annual diocesan budget.
  • Bishop’s Visitation Offering: Your offering during the Bishop's visitation to your congregation supports the Chester Hines Racial Reconciliation Fund.
  • Camp Phoenix Scholarship: Camp Phoenix is an annual one-week summer camp with activities and a spiritual program for learning more about God, Jesus, and our place in creation. This scholarship assists campers who would be unable to participate without financial help. Read more.
  • Campus Ministry: The campus ministry donations are used to offset programming expenses for all the campus ministry programs. Read more.
  • Creation Care: Join our efforts to practice loving formation, liberating advocacy, and life-giving conversation surrounding the care of creation. Read more.
  • Deaconess Anne House: DAH is an intentional community for young adults in the Diocese of Missouri. 
  • General: Your donation will be used by the Diocese to address the most pressing needs at the time of your donation.
  • Grace African Christians Connection: This new church plant is led by the Rev. Mtipe Koggani and serves the African diaspora in the St. Louis area. Read more.
  • Gun Violence Prevention: This diocesan ministry is committed to doing all we can to end the pandemic of gun violence. We do this through advocacy, prayer, public witness, and pastoral care. Read more.
  • The Journey, Fulton: This new church plant is led by the Rev. Jessica Wachter and serves people in the Central Missouri city of Fulton.
  • JustFood Truck: Your donation will help support an extension of our Jubilee Ministry to take meals into neighborhoods experiencing poverty and lack of access to nutritional food. Read more.
  • Ordination Offerings: Donations are used to establish a discretionary fund for the newly ordained clergy.
  • Public Advocacy: Help us support and promote advocacy for issues and public policy that are in line with our Baptismal Covenant. Read more.
  • (The Chester Hines) Racial Reconciliation Fund: Money from this fund will help seed an endowment to finance the work of repairing racial injustice. Members of the 182nd Diocesan Convention (2021) passed a resolution to begin the work of repenting for our historic participation in the chattel slavery of people of African descent and the systematic oppression of First Nations peoples. This fund bears the name of the Rev. Deacon Chester Hines, who has worked passionately in this field for many years in the Diocese. Read more.
  • Rockwell House: This Episcopal campus ministry supports a faith community for students at Washington University, St. Louis University and those attending other schools in the St. Louis area. This fund is used strictly for capital maintenance and projects for the Rockwell House that the Operating Budget is not able to support. ​​​​​​​Read more.
  • Task Force on Hungry: This group of volunteers speaks and acts on behalf of hungry people, funds food ministries, raises awareness about hunger and poverty issues, and serves as a resource to food ministries within the Diocese of Missouri. Read more.
  • United Thank Offering: UTO encourages people to notice the good things that happen each day, give thanks to God for those blessings. The offerings are used to award grants to Episcopal ministries throughout the Church. Read more.