Over the past 50+ years, the Episcopal Church has moved from excluding women altogether from ordained ministry to a woman having held the highest ordained leadership position—Presiding Bishop.
Both lay and ordained women play a vital role in the mission and ministry of the Diocese of Missouri.
Episcopal Church Women
Episcopal Church Women (ECW) is one of our oldest church organizations and is open to all women; all women of the Episcopal Church throughout the United States are considered members of ECW.
The Diocese of Missouri ECW Board strives "to offer every woman in the Diocese of Missouri an environment of support and encouragement, education and opportunity for ministry by providing: fellowship, communication, resource materials, and outreach to the diocese, nation, and world." There are no membership fees or forms to fill out—all women in the diocese are automatically members of ECW.
ECW activity occurs on several levels. In addition to work done in our parishes, ECW members in the diocese collaborate on common projects throughout the year and gather annually for a retreat and meeting. ECW holds meetings at a provincial level (Missouri is a part of Province V), and every three years, the ECW national organization meets concurrently with the General Convention of the Episcopal Church.
Diocesan ECW events have included virtual Connections meetings, luncheons and learning opportunities. Our Annual Retreat & Meeting takes place in the fall. Every other year, the retreat is an overnight event held at a retreat center. The other years, retreats are one-day events helld at one of the churches in the diocese. Retreats focus on topics of interest to women of faith and consist of presentations from speakers, activities, time for reflection, fellowship, worship and a short business meeting.
If there is a topic or activity you believe would be of interest to the women of the diocese, please contact Susan Goen. Board members are happy to support/advise churches interested in starting parish-level ECW groups, and the Diocesan ECW Board is also interested in sponsoring or cohosting women’s events throughout the Diocese. Please let us know of opportunities we might participate in.
Among the means of supporting women in the Diocese of Missouri, ECW offers a scholarship for women who are members of an Episcopal congregation in the diocese and who will be in their second year of post-high school education studying toward a degree or certificate in a field of service to others. The deadline is June 1 prior to the next academic year.
Diocesan ECW Board
- President: Susan Goen - St. Mark's, St. Louis
- Vice-president: Karen Watts - St. Paul’s, Carondelet
- Secretary: Ginger Simmons - St. Stephen's, Ferguson
- Treasurer: Laura Mabry - All Saints and Ascension, Northwoods / St. Louis
- UTO Coordinator: Open
- Scholarship Chair: Suhsi Avula, Calvary, Columbia
- Chaplain: Trina’ Owens-Rogers, St. Stephen’s, Ferguson
- Members at Large:
- Annette Webb, Calvary, Columbia
- Marilyn Wiethop, St. Mark’s, St. Louis
The Episcopal Church Women in the Diocese of Missouri (ECW) supports women in furthering their education in an area that focuses on service to others by awarding a $1,000 scholarship to one woman each year.
The scholarship will be awarded to the applicant who best meets these criteria:
- Female member of an Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Missouri.
- Studying for a degree or certification in an area of service to others.
- Will be in at least the second year of post-high school study.
- Excels academically.
- Exhibits leadership potential.
- Participates in community service activities.
Find the 2025 scholarship application here.
ECW History
Episcopal Church Women were first established in 1872, at that time called “The Woman’s Auxiliary.” Mary Emery was hired by the Board of Missions to be in contact with all parishes and encourage women to create their own Auxiliary Missionary Society “to aid with sympathy and prayers, time labor and money to the extent of her power.” In 1958, at the 29th Triennial Meeting in Miami Beach, the name changed to the Episcopal Church Women (ECW).
Today, we are Episcopal women of all ages, ethnic origins and socioeconomic backgrounds who hold a variety of views. However, we have in common a belief in a loving, liberating, and life-giving God and the wish and desire to do His work.
The Church Periodical Club
The Church Periodical Club (CPC), an independent, affiliated organization of the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church, is dedicated to the worldwide Ministry of the Printed Word and to the Promotion of Christian Mission.
The CPC provides books, magazines, tapes, videos and computer programs free to those who cannot otherwise obtain them and raises the money to provide this ministry.
National Book Grant Applications
National Book Grant applications are available for enhancing, supporting and developing your ministry with written materials including books, ebooks, CD, audio books, etc. for adults.
Information and grant application can be accessed on the CPC website: www.churchperiodical.com.
Miles of Pennies
Grants for materials for children aged birth through 18 years are supported under Miles of Pennies (MOP) and may be applied for throughout the year. More information on these grants and the application can be found on the CPC website: www.churchperiodical.com.
Useful links from The Episcopal Church: