Advent 2024

The invitation this Advent season is to hold back the mad dash towards the manger and spend some time along the path of expectant waiting. Read the scriptures, engage with the reflections, live the questions, pray the prayers, and join in the journey with God. Jesus is coming!
Advent Week ONE
O Wisdom of our God Most High, guiding creation with power and love, calling humanity to radical hope. Come to teach us the path of knowledge and show us the wellspring of truth; In Jesus whose coming we await. Amen.
Advent Week TWO
O Prince of Peace, whose coming we await and whose reign of love we long for; Give us the peace that the world cannot give, that in tranquility and grace, we may be called repairers of the breach and makers of peace. For the sake of Christ, our longed-for Savior. Amen.
Advent Week THREE
O Eternal Dawn, whose joy shone radiantly through Mary the Godbearer and who nourishes us in the joy of unfenced love; ensnare us, like Mary, towards the fulfilling of your purpose and your promise of salvation found in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Advent Week FOUR
O God, who lovingly created and more lovingly restored the cosmos, and whose very self is infinite love; reground us in yourself, that seeking to love and serve you in all persons we may grow in compassion and grace; for the sake of Emmanuel your ultimate gift of Love.
Full 2024 Advent Booklet
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