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The Rev. Dr. Clive Samson is the Missioner for Asian Ministries in the Diocese of Missouri. Samson serves as pastor and priest-in-charge of Faith Christian Church of India, a missional congregation within the Diocese.

This missioner is responsible for advocacy, engagement, and oversight of Asian ministries in the Diocese. The primary role of the Missioner shall be to work with the Diocese to promote, encourage, create, enhance, and develop opportunities for ministry among people of Asian cultural backgrounds.

The missioner's responsibilities include:

  • Identify Asian concerns in the wider community and advocate for diocesan involvement.
  • Create a Council of Advice for Asian ministries to help carry out this ministry.
  • Consult and advise congregations seeking guidance in developing new multi-cultural initiatives that engage communities of Asian descent.
  • Curate culturally appropriate materials, resources, educational programs, and workshops for the Diocese.
  • Develop a clearinghouse of resources for use by the diocesan household.
  • Develop and offer resources (workshops, conferences, course materials, etc.) around cultural competency.
  • Advise the Commission on Ministry in the identification, recruitment, and preparation of Asian candidates for ministry.
  • Assist in developing liturgical resources to be used by communities of faith that comprise the Diocese.
  • Develop a constellation model of connectedness for various Asian populations connected to or in close proximity to worshipng and serving communities within the Diocese.
  • Submit an annual report to the Diocesan Convention.
  • Offer presentations to Diocesan Council which highlight the ongoing work of Asian ministries.