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God’s call to reconciliation and justice is seen most profoundly in the ministry of Jesus Christ. Jesus sought to bridge divisions that fracture the Body of Christ. By engaging intentionally in the work of racial reconciliation, we continue the work of seeking to love God, neighbor, and self.

Racial Reconciliation and Social Justice is an equity ministry of advocacy and service toward reconciling all people to God and one another.

This is a ministry to promote and publicize the work of racial reconciliation and to offer opportunities for individuals and communities of faith to engage in the necessary work of acknowledging, naming, engaging, and dismantling systems of oppression born of chattel slavery within the Diocese of Missouri.

The Rev. Shug Goodlow is the Missioner for Racial Reconciliation and Social Justice.

The Missioner's responsibilities include:

  • Working in consultation with the Dismantling Racism Commission of the Diocese.
  • Provide resources to communities of faith within the Diocese around direct actions to promote racial reconciliation and justice.
  • Establish a clearinghouse of resources that can be used by individuals and communities that are part of the Diocese.
  • Offer a theological understanding of racial justice and healing that recognizes the image of God in every human being.
  • Represent the Bishop and/or the Diocese at events that promote racial reconciliation and healing.
  • Preach and teach in communities of faith that make up the Diocese.
  • Submit an annual report to the Diocesan Convention.
  • Offer presentations to the Diocesan Council which highlight the ongoing work of racial reconciliation within the Diocese.

The Chester Hines Racial Reconciliation Fund

The Chester Hines Racial Reconciliation Fund was established by Diocesan Convention in 2021 to seed a $1 million endowment fund. The money raised will be used to finance the work of racial injustice throughout the Diocese of Missouri.

This fund is named for the Rev. Deacon Chester Hines, who has been passionately dedicated to this cause throughout his career in the Diocese. We are grateful to Deacon Chester for all his efforts and we are grateful to everyone who supports this endowment fund that will allow us to continue the work of social justice!

Contribute to the fund by visiting the "Give" page of this website and selecting the "Racial Reconciliation Fund."