Jubilee Ministry Centers empower those who are poor and oppressed in their communities by providing direct service, such as food, shelter, and healthcare, while also advocating for human rights and social justice.
Jubilee Ministries in the Diocese of Missouri
We have several designated Jubilee Ministry Centers in the Diocese of Missouri:
- Trinity Episcopal Church, Central West End / St. Louis
Trinity Food Ministry (TFM), 1993 - The Episcopal Church of the Holy Cross, Poplar Bluff, 2016
- Christ Episcopal Church, Cape Girardeau
Red Door Jubilee Center, 2017 - Calvary Episcopal Church, Columbia, 2023
- Christ Episcopal Church, Rolla, 2023
- St. Mark's Episcopal Church, St. Louis, 2023
Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Webster Groves, 2023
Isaiah 58 Ministries, St. Louis, 2023 - Trinity Episcopal Church, St. Charles, 2023
There have been additional Jubilee projects in this diocese, some ended, some spun-off into nonprofits such as the Howard Park Early Childhood Center begun at St. Martin's Episcopal Church in Ellisville. There are many more groups within this diocese which easily fit into the understanding of Jubilee Ministry.
Becoming a Jubilee Ministry Center
This diocese is ready to expand its Jubilee Ministry. We are called to feed the hungry but we are also equally called to address the cause of that hunger. The goal of Jubilee Ministry is to know the difference and to be ready to work for both to the glory and honor of God.
Do you believe your parish or “ecumenical cluster” (Episcopal presence) is doing the ministry of joint discipleship in Christ to work with poor and oppressed people “to meet basic human needs and to build a just society"
Criteria for Becoming a Jubilee Ministry Center
- The mission and ministry must be an Episcopal congregation, Episcopal cluster or an ecumenical cluster with Episcopal presence, and/or an agency with connections to The Episcopal Church.
- The mission and ministry must be involved among and with poor and oppressed people wherever they are located.
- The mission and ministry must be rooted in worship.
- The mission and ministry must include several programs, including at least one human rights advocacy program and one human services program.
Once designated a Jubilee Center, the ministry must be willing to:
- Demonstrate the operation of its programs to others as models
- Maintain “how to” files
- Act as a resource center and funnel for information
- Be subject to annual review
Source: Executive Council Resolution EXC021983.29 (Criteria for the Designation of Jubilee Center)
Contact the Rev. Barbi Click, Diocesan Jubilee Missioner, if you are interested in your ministry becoming a Jubilee Ministry Center.