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Discernment is the process of determining God's calling in your life.

This can apply when you are deciding whether to accept a promotion, or to enter into marriage, or to move to a new city.

Of course, these decisions can be made on purely practical bases, but as Christians we know that "We do not live to ourselves..." (Romans 14:7).

In Christian discernment, we ask for God to guide us so that we can live into a life and ministry that God wills for us.

Defined more narrowly, discernment describes the specific question of entering into holy orders.

Priestly and Diaconal Ordination Process Overview and Checklist

Spiritual Direction

Theological Education

The Diocese of Missouri is affiliated with The Bishop Kemper School for Ministry in Topeka, Kansas. The Bishop Kemper School for Ministry offers classes for personal enrichment or for those pursuing education that may lead to ordained or licensed lay ministry.

Download an information sheet about the Bishop Kemper School for Ministry.

Commission on Ministry

The Commission on Ministry, as outlined in National Church canons, is charged with assisting the Bishop “in determining present and future needs for ministry in the diocese,” “in enlisting and selecting persons for Holy Orders,” and making recommendations to the bishop.

The charge to the Commission includes guiding and examining postulants and candidates, assisting with ministry enrichment for deacons and priests, and helping to explore and implement ways in which the diocese may live out its baptismal ministries.

Clergy members

  • The Rev. Dr. Paula Hartsfield (2026)
    Grace Episcopal Church, Jefferson City

  • The Rev. Ann Dieterle, Chair (2025)
    Calvary Episcopal Church, Columbia
  • The Rev. Deacon Barbi Click (2024)
    St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Carondelet/St. Louis
  • The Rev. Nathan Haydon (2024)
    St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Ladue
    Christ Episcopal Church, Cape Girardeau
  • The Rev. Tom Albinson (2024)
    The Episcopal Church of St. Michael & St. George, Clayton
  • The Rev. Renee Fenner (2026)
    All Saints & Ascension, Northwoods

Lay members

  • Alisa Williams (2026)
    The Episcopal Church of the Holy Communion, University City

  • Judy Hodge (2026)
    Trinity Episcopal Church, St. Charles
  • Debbie Nelson Linck (2026)
    Christ Church Cathedral, St. Louis
  • Chris Kurth (2024)
    Grace Episcopal Church, Kirkwood
  • Doris Lucy-Goodlow (2026)
    St. Martin’s, Ellisville
  • Rose Hayden (2026)
    Calvary Episcopal Church, Columbia

Diocesan Board of Examining Chaplains

The Diocesan Board of Examining Chaplains is a committee appointed by the bishop to work with postulants to the priesthood to develop formation plans. These plans are individualized to the academic and spiritual needs of the postulant, so they can vary widely. DBEC is tasked with advising the Bishop, the Commission on Ministry and the Standing Committee that the postulant has made sufficient progress in his or her training to proceed on to candidacy and finally to ordination.

DBEC Members

  • Ms. Elizabeth Hines (2026)
    The Episcopal Church of the Holy Communion, University City

  • Mr. Bill Eldridge (2026)
    Calvary Episcopal Church, Columbia
  • The Rev. Carrol Davenport (2025)
  • Dr. Isaac Arten (2025)
    The Episcopal Church of St. Michael & St. George, Clayton
  • Ms. Lynette Ballad (2023) -- Chair
    Grace Episcopal Church, Kirkwood
  • Dr. Donna Hawk-Reinhard (2023)
    The Episcopal Church of the Advent, Crestwood
  • The Rev. Susan Naylor (2024)
    Christ Church Cathedral, St. Louis
  • The Rev. Dr. Maria Evans (2024)
    Trinity Episcopal Church, Hannibal