In the Book of Genesis, God called all creation into being and called it good. God blessed humanity with reason and skills and named us stewards of the good creation. In Jesus’ life and ministry he often cared for and reflected on God’s creation. But we have often misused and abused God’s creation.
The Episcopal Church has made a commitment to practice loving formation, liberating advocacy, and life-giving conversation surrounding the care of creation. The Diocese of Missouri invites individuals, congregations and ministries to join our efforts through our Creation Care Ministry.
The Rev. Kevin McGrane is the Missioner for Creation Care and Stewardship in the Diocese of Missouri. He is tasked with mobilizing a wave of religious activism within and beyond the Diocese to protect and heal God’s Creation. The Missioner is to invite us as a Diocesan household to recapture our original mandate as stewards of creation.
The Missioner’s responsibilities include:
- Work with the Creation Care Commission of the Diocese of Missouri as a Council of Advice.
- In collaboration with the Creation Care Commission, offer liturgical and learning resources to the Diocese around the care of creation and climate change advocacy.
- Create a clearinghouse of best practices, formation materials, etc., to enable congregations to reduce their carbon footprints.
- In consultation with the Creation Care Commission, provide for a Diocesan celebration of creation on an annual basis.
- Work collaboratively with the Missioner for Jubilee Ministries in promoting and encouraging “Good News Gardens” across the Diocese.
- Promote the use of the Season of Creation as a time to celebrate, grieve, pray, and engage in creation and climate issues.
- Represent the Bishop and Diocese at environmental conferences and other gatherings so that the Church has a seat at the table for one of the most crucial issues of our time.
- Preach and teach in communities of faith that make up the Diocese.
- Submit an annual report to the Diocesan Convention.
- Offer presentations to Diocesan Council which highlight the ongoing work of creation care.
We invite you to learn more and become active in creation care by engaging with the resources on this page.
Creation Care Resources
- Creation Care Network
from Province V of The Episcopal Church - Creation Care VBS
from A Rocha (2018) - Creation Season Prayers
by Bishop Deon Johnson (2021) - Earth Day Action Toolkit
from Earthday.org (2024) - Earth Day Resources
from Episcopal Church Foundation - Episcopal Covenant to Care of Creation
from The Episcopal Church - Faith Climate Action Week
from Interfaith Power & Light (2024) - Good News Gardens
from The Episcopal Church - Interfaith Power & Light
(national organization of resources and connections) - Moving Forward: A Guide to Climate Action for Your Congregation and Community
from The Episcopal Church + others