Our faith in following Jesus is about being committed to living the way of God's unconditional, unselfish, sacrificial, redemptive, and transformational love. Jesus, in his preaching and teaching, often called those who were neglected or oppressed to be at the center of God's reign.
While the Episcopal Church has long embraced the gifts of the LGBTQIA+ community, Christianity as a whole has caused hurt and harm.
The Missioner for LGBTQIA+ Engagement is tasked with reaching out beyond the Diocese to represent the Bishop and the Diocese of Missouri at gatherings to promote the full inclusion of LGBTQIA+ people, while being an advocate within the Diocese to further dismantle barriers to the full expression of the ministry of the church.
DeWayne Trainer, a member of St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Ladue, is our Missioner for LGBTQIA+ Engagement.
The Missioner's responsibilities include:
- Establish an LGBTQIA+ Council of Advice to assist in this ministry.
- In collaboration with the Advisory Council, offer liturgical and learniing resources to the Diocese around issues related to the LGBTQIA+ community.
- Create a clearinghouse of best practices formation materials, etc., to enable congregations to offer radical hospitality to LGBTQIA+ members.
- In consultation with the Office of the Bishop and the Advisory Council, provide for a diocesan celebration of LGBTQIA+ ministry on an annual basis.
- Represent the Bishop and Diocese at confrerences and other gatherings so that the Church has a seat at the table for one of the most crucial issues of our time.
- Submit an annual report to the Diocesan Convention.
- Offer presentations to Diocesan Council which highlight the ongoing work of the LGBTQIA+ ministry.
More information
- Get answers to frequently asked questions about LGBTQIA+ people and our ministry.
- Get resources to help navigate LGBTQIA+ issues.