Call to Action: Share your stories to prevent discrimination on college campuses

Young adults and college students are encouraged to share stories about your involvement on college campuses to help oppose a bill that could allow discrimination of marginalized students.
Proposed Anti-DEI Legislation Puts Professional Accreditation and Funding at Risk in Missouri

Public Advocacy Missioner the Rev. Dr. Teresa Danieley calls us to speak out against a bill that would eliminate Diversity, Equity & Inclusion training throughout the state.
Episcopal Church Statement on Civilian Deaths in Gaza

The Episcopal Church calls us to contact our Congress members and President Biden and call for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.
Gun Violence Prevention Update: Feb. 26, 2024

If reducing gun violence is something you care deeply about and would like to volunteer as a parish representative to help us, please email us!
Voter Voice comes to DioMO

Voter Voice allows all of our missioners and missioner groups to set up automated letter writing campaigns directly to Missouri legislators and other government officials, in keeping with our mission areas, our Baptismal Covenant and our mission as a church.
Reflecting on Human Rights Award

The Rev. Dr. Teresa Danieley shares her passion for economic rights, labor, and human rights after receiving an award named after the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
DioMO Missioner Receives Human Rights Award

The Rev. Dr. Teresa Danieley is being honored for her contributions to racial and economic justice, labor, and human rights in the St. Louis metro communities.
Gun Violence Prevention: Letter Writing Campaign

We are encouraging people of all faiths to send letters to Senator Caleb Rowden, Senate President, and Representative Dean Plocher, Speaker of the Missouri House asking that sensible gun legislation gets assigned to committee in a timely manner so we can have a public debate on the issues.
Supporting Justice through Public Advocacy

Diocesan Missioner the Rev. Dr. Teresa Danieley makes a passionate presentation at the 184th Annual Convention of the Diocese of Missouri on Nov. 3, 2023.
Putting Our Faith in Action

Our public advocacy missioner clears misconceptions about what role our congregations and churches are allowed to take when it comes to public policy issues.