The Blessing Box at Trinity Church, St. James
Trinity St. James launched its Blessing Box in early 2021 to support its community during COVID, installing a two-shelf cabinet in the churchyard and encouraging locals to "give back." Initially funded by the church and parishioners, the box is now supported through donations from the Episcopal Church Women, monthly contributions, and partnerships with local schools and organizations.
St. Vincent’s-in-the-Vineyard Makes Donation to Ste. Genevieve Elementary
Sept. 18, 2024 – (Ste. Genevieve, MO) - St. Vincent's-in-the-Vineyard Episcopal Church is excited to share that the church has made a donation of classroom resources to Ste. Genevieve Elementary School.
The Power of Dignity
Do you want gain the skills and knowledge to help heal the divides in our communities? We invite you to a day-long workshop, “The Power of Dignity,” led by internationally renowned speaker and peacebuilder, Dr. Donna Hicks.
Reparations and Reconciliation – What it is, what it is not: Lessons Learned
The Bishop of Missouri, the diocesan Commission on Dismantling Racism, Christ Church Cathedral, and St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church are pleased to announce a series of events featuring Episcopal priest, author, and lecturer, The Reverend Peter Jarrett-Schell on October 19 & 20, 2024 in St. Louis. Rev. Jarrett-Schell, rector of Calvary Episcopal Church in Washington. D.C. will present on Reparations and Reconciliation
St. Mark’s in St. Louis is Having a Hearts, Hands, and Voices celebration on Saturday, October 19th. This is a completely free eventand open to anyone who would like to attend. This is a celebration of God’s works through different artistic mediums.
St. Francis' Caregivers Support Group:
St. Francis' will be holding a Caregivers Support Group
2024 Diocese of Missouri Episcopal Church Women (ECW) Retreat & Annual Meeting: Sacred Body
Join the Diocesan ECW Board for our Retreat and Annual Meeting, featuring guest speaker, The Rev. Canon Whitney Rice.
Healing Heart Wounds Group at St. Francis'

St. Francis' Episcopal Church in Eureka will host a six-week "healing group" for those experiencing trauma, grief, and/or loss, beginning Sept. 10, 2024.
The Enneagram Journey Curriculum: Fall 2024

Marty Chapman at the Episcopal Church of St. Michael and St. George in Clayton is leading an online class to learn about the enneagram, an ancient tool for understanding motivation, behavior, and experience.
Diocesan Picnic: Sept. 14, 2024

Bishop Deon Johnson invites all in the Diocese of Missouri to the first annual diocesan picnic, Sept. 14, 2024.