The Missouri legislative session is well underway, and the diocesan Gun Violence Prevention team has been following the lead of Missouri MOMS Demand Action to speak out for sensible gun legislation. The new Voter Voice rapid response platform is starting to be used, and we thank everyone who used it to send a message to your state representative. In the wake of the Kansas City shooting, two bills that would have further loosened Missouri’s already lax gun laws (including HB 1708 which would have resulted in more guns in our churches) have been tabled for the rest of the session.
MOMS Demand Action is hosting a virtual advocacy training on March 7 at 8 p.m. The call will include Moms Demand Action leaders, Community Partners, and Gun Violence Prevention Advocates doing important work across the state. They will announce and recruit for virtual lawmaker meetings happening the week of March 11, and share a call to action to set up in-district meetings with lawmakers while they are on Spring Break March 18-22.
RSVP here: https://act.everytown.org/event/moms-demand-action...
MOMS Advocacy Day has been scheduled for March 27, which is Wednesday of Holy Week. Because of the timing, we will not be able to organize a strong turnout like we did last year. Instead we will be organizing our own call-in advocacy campaign that week. Information on that action will be shared very soon.
We have recruited point people at 19 of our 42 parishes who have volunteered to be a conduit for information on gun violence prevention efforts. If reducing gun violence is something you care deeply about and would like to volunteer as a parish representative to help us, please email jeff@jeffwunrow.com.