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Love God, Love God’s World

The Diocese of Missouri will host a cohort of participants in Love God, Love God’s World starting with a kickoff gathering on February 1, 2025, the traditional feast day of St. Brigid of Kildare, the Celtic patron saint of nature. Registration for this 9-session program is required and it is free to all members of the Diocese of Missouri. Facilitator is the Rev. Kevin McGrane, Missioner for Creation Care.


Creation Care Curriculum: Love God, Love God's World

The Episcopal Church has released a new free curriculum designed to make us more comfortable talking about and engaging in our faith and the care of creation.


Holy Hikes: Rebuilding communion with all of God's creation

Creation Care Missioner the Rev. Kevin McGrane invites us to worship God in the beauty of nature.


New Creation Care Curriculum Coming Soon

Love God, Love God’s World is a nine-session, film-based curriculum, ideal for Episcopalians anywhere on the journey with creation care and environmental ministry—from newcomers looking to take their first step to seasoned leaders seeking a transformative small-group experience.


Planning Earth Day 2024 Celebrations

The Diocesan Creation Care Ministry is encouraging parishes and ministries to consider how to celebrate Earth Day over a 30 day period starting on April 21.


A Scottish Lesson on Creation Care

The Rev. Kevin McGrane reflects on a recent trip to Scotland that drove home the crisis we can create if we ignore our abuse of the environment.


Missioner Spotlight: The Rev. Kevin McGrane, Creation Care Ministry

In his role as Creation Care Missioner, Kevin hopes to help people understand that we all need to reshape how we live so we can take care of the planet.


Missioner Spotlight: The Rev. Kevin McGrane, Creation Care Ministry

Missioner Kevin McGrane says Creation Care is more than a fad -- it is part and parcel of our walk with Christ.


A Christian Response to Climate Change

If we have a call to participate in the stewardship of the created world we share, what does that vocation of stewardship look like in the middle of a human-created ecological catastrophe far beyond the scope of any one individual person?


Good News Gardening in DioMO

Churches throughout the Diocese of Missouri are transforming our communities by tending gardens throughout the summer.
