from The Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs
On February 29, while waiting in line to receive food, more than 100 people were killed and more than 750 were wounded in Gaza. At the time of writing, we cannot know exactly what happened, but this is a further example of the sheer horror civilians are facing while trying to fulfill their most basic needs.
As we pray for the dead and injured, we reiterate our call for a ceasefire. Humanitarian aid is essential to ensuring that lives are not lost to lack of food, water, medical supplies, fuel, and other basic necessities. These needs cannot be met with constant war. A ceasefire will allow for humanitarian aid to pass into Gaza without harm coming to those delivering or receiving it.
Please contact your Congress members and President Biden and call for a ceasefire using our action alert here.
We invite you to read the Patriarchs and Heads of Churches statement.
For additional information and resources from the Episcopal Church on the ongoing conflict in the Holy Land, please see our page here.