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October 8, 2024 DeWayne Trainer


DeWayne Trainer, Missioner for LGBTQIA+ Ministry and Engagement, Member of St. Peter's Episcopal Church in St. Louis

This election season, like nearly every election season I can recall, political parties, politicians and candidates seek to divide us. Minorities, particularly our LGBTQIA2S+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Asexual/Aromantic, Intersex, Two-Spirit, Plus) siblings, and in recent years, most especially Transgender people are marginalized even more, being used as weapons of fear to create solidarity and gain votes. The near constant stream of half-truths, lies, and hate dehumanize us while reinforcing and encouraging the bigotry many of us face in our daily lives. Words matter. Words have power. WORDS create fear, hate, violence, even death.

Did you know that LGBTQIA2S+ people are twice as likely to face gun violence? More than 20% of all hate crimes are motivated by sexual orientation and/or gender identity (Trans women and gay men are among the most common targets). Queer youth are four times as likely to attempt suicide and half of all Trans people will attempt suicide at least once in their lifetime.

When preparing to vote, we must do our homework to seek out the truth and know which candidates support our own values. Following the pattern of Christ, we are called to be a people of love, action, and justice. We must lean in and call out falsehoods and misleading information. We must vote for those who seek to build up and not tear down. We must hold those in positions of power to work for the good of ALL their constituents. If you are (or love) a member of the LGBTQIA2S+ communities, please vote for those fighting for our very right to existing and equality. Our very lives depend on it. 

If you need help knowing how to vote, PROMO PAC (www.promopac.org) is an excellent resource that recommends pro-LGBT candidates. 

Categories: Public Advocacy

Tags: Vote Faithfully