Every campaign, whether for an issue or for a candidate, prioritizes voter contact as the best way to reach, persuade, and mobilize the electorate. The best method of voter contact is canvassing door-to-door because face-to-face conversations are proven to be the best way to change hearts and minds. However, canvassing is time-consuming, and not everyone feels comfortable or is physically able to go door to door, no matter how much they believe in the cause. My favorite voter contact method is phone banking. Most campaigns use an online dialer that can be used from anywhere, and accessed from your home computer or even a smart tablet. Because it’s so convenient, all of my time is spent reaching out to voters and not driving to and from a canvass location. I can also reach more voters by phone in the same amount of time of canvassing. I can make calls whenever it’s convenient for me, in small or large blocks of time, and regardless of the weather, and I can call anywhere in the state or even the country from wherever I am. If you’re looking for a way to get involved this election season, consider phone banking. Contact the campaign you feel most strongly about and offer your time. I know they will be happy to hear from you!