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New Creation Care Curriculum Coming Soon

Love God, Love God’s World is a nine-session, film-based curriculum, ideal for Episcopalians anywhere on the journey with creation care and environmental ministry—from newcomers looking to take their first step to seasoned leaders seeking a transformative small-group experience.


Planning Earth Day 2024 Celebrations

The Diocesan Creation Care Ministry is encouraging parishes and ministries to consider how to celebrate Earth Day over a 30 day period starting on April 21.


New Venture Empowers Asian Indian Women

Registration is now open for women to enroll in classes to learn basic computer skills, fundamentals of programming, software development, and other customized courses.


Call to Action: Collecting signatures for ballot initiative

Signatures for the Missourians for Constitutional Freedom ballot initiative, which "would end Missouri's total abortion ban and put families – not politicians – back in charge of personal medical decisions" must be turned in by May 5, 2024.


UBE Annual Meeting and Conference

The Union of Black Episcopalians will hold its 56th annual meeting and conference June 18-21, 2024 in Louisville, KY. UBE's event leads directly into the General Convention of the Episcopal Church.


Get Ready for General Convention 2024

Episcopalians from around the world will gather June 23-28, 2024, in Louisville, KY, for the 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church. The Diocese of Missouri has an elected deputation - four clergy and four lay members - who will represent us, but everyone is invited to attend.


Easter 2024

Bishop Deon Johnson offers a message for Easter 2024.


Bishop's Holy Week Message to DioMO Clergy

Bishop Deon Johnson sends a message of support to the clergy of the Diocese during the busyness and holiness of Holy Week 2024.


Healing in the Heartland: Gratitude List

The Diocese of Missouri would like to thank everyone who attended our March 16 event, Healing in the Heartland. This event was a huge success, thanks to the work of many volunteers, special guests, and friends.


Healing in the Heartland: A Call to Renewed Ministry of Healing and Reconciliation

The Diocese of Missouri came together on March 16 to discuss how we can all make a difference in healing the divisions in our society.
