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July 2, 2024

The Living Church, a communications ministry to the Episcopal Church. invites the Diocese of Missouri to an upcoming to The Human Pilgrimage.

What does it mean to be human?

How do we live fully as creatures created, loved, limited, and liberated by God?

This conference will focus on how to be a human being faithfully, from birth to death, how we live well and take care of one another, and how we can answer the great commission in light of this reality.

Those who have not yet embraced the gospel need a winsome, skillful, and faithful presentation of this vision, in various creative forms, while those within the Church are re-evangelized and refreshed by understanding who they are as creatures in Christ.

The conference will also, we hope, equip any Christian present, including clergy, to address contemporary ethical and pastoral concerns related to living well in the full integrity of body and soul, from welcoming new life and navigating relationships, to embracing change and dying well.

This brief but rich conference could be an easy opportunity for clergy and lay leaders in your diocese to connect, learn, and be refreshed in the areas of evangelism, discipleship, and pastoral care.

The conference is very affordable, and scheduled so that clergy can return to their parishes by Saturday afternoon. Keynotes include Katherine Sonderegger and Amy Peeler, among others.

The event is co-hosted by All Souls' Episcopal Church, Oklahoma City, and St. John's, Tulsa. Our conference ethos is world-class quality teaching with the pacing, warmth, and hospitality of a retreat. We also value Christian unity across theological diversity.

The Human Pilgrimage

September 26 @ 3 p.m. to September 28 @ 1pm CDT
All Souls Episcopal Church
6400 North Pennsylvania Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73116
$50 - $185

Learn more and register

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