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News from The Commission on Dismantling Racism

The start of the new year brings an update on the work of the Commission on Dismantling Racism — a diocesan group charged with promoting programs, workshops and other anti-racism work among the people of the church.


Creation Care: Changing your diet to help the planet

No one expects us all to turn vegetarian tomorrow, or ever. But it is possible for people to “go veg” one day a week, reducing the emissions from a meat diet by 14%.


How You Can Support Requiem or Renaissance

The Diocese of Missouri is One household of faith that lives, works, and serves in multiple places across the eastern half of our state. What affects one congregation affects all.


The Bishop's 2021 Convention Address

The Rt. Rev. Deon K. Johnson presents his sermon/address to the 182nd Convention of The Episcopal Diocese of Missouri.


Barbara Harris Icon

Bishop Deon Johnson commissioned an icon of Bishop Barbara Harris to be created in 2021. Harris was the first woman consecrated as a Bishop in The Episcopal Church and The Anglican Communion.


​Evangelists Are Born In Crisis

We all wish this pandemic hadn't happened, it's terrible. But it's exactly this kind of crisis that shakes things loose and makes people ready to consider things differently.


Creation Care: A Worldwide Education

Parker Williams has been accepted by the Christian Climate Observers Program (CCOP) to attend COP26, the UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties, in Glasgow, Scotland in November, 2021.


Evangelism: Depth Leads to Invitation

Our goal is to divorce evangelism from institutional self-interest and practice it in a way that is life-giving to ourselves and others.


Spiritual Intimacy: The New Evangelism

Spiritual intimacy is journeying together through the deep places of our life and experience, and talking together about how our spirits and God’s Spirit interact in those deep places.


Fear Not: Be an Evangelist

We have the job of reducing fear and increasing love. That’s all evangelism is.
