The Rev. Erin Pickersgill, Ministry Developer for Children and Youth in the Diocese of Missouri, invites members throughout the Diocese to be a part of these upcoming events and ministry initiatives:
(be sure to keep scrolling -- there are many items listed on this page!)
"Love + Serve" Trip
June 19-21, 2023
This is a project sponsored by Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Webster Groves and the Diocese, inviting all young people from all of our parishes to join us as we learn, work, and play together. Open to middle and high school students.
Register here by Friday, June 9.
Pauli Murray Kit
Reserve your kit now!
As a way to celebrate Pauli Murray's feast day (July 1), celebrate our children, and to showcase the incredible work of diocesan author, Debbie Nelson Linck (who wrote, "Pauli Murray, Shouting for the Rights of All People" for 3rd - 5th graders), we are providing an Opt-In FREE gift for every parish of the Diocese: the Pauli Murray Kit!
The kit includes a poster of Pauli Murray, one copy of Debbie's book, lesson plans for all ages, sermon prompts, and a craft and a coloring sheet.
In order to receive your parish's Pauli Murray Kit, please contact the Rev. Erin Pickersgill. The kits will be posted in June, but will be available also throughout the year as an ongoing free resource for you and your community.
Episcopal Youth Event (EYE 23)
University of Maryland
College Park, MD
July 4-8, 2023
Please pray for our team attending this summer's Episcopal youth conference:
- Declan Fowler, youth representative from St. Timothy's Church in Creve Coeur
- Ezra Smith, youth representative from the Church of St. Michael & St. George in Clayton
- The Rev. Mtipe Koggani, chaperone
- The Rev. Erin Pickersgill, chaperone
The theme is "Regreso A Casa: A new Age of Faith." Watch for our posts from EYE23!
LBGTQIA+ Youth Support Group
Beginning September 2023
A safe space for high school youth across the Diocese to meet regularly, share with and support one another, and pray together. We will mainly meet online in order to have a broader geographical appeal.
Please contact Rev. Erin to show interest or to talk through any questions.
Spiritual Formation Opportunity for Middle School Students
Beginning Fall 2023
A number of St. Louis-based parishes are collaborating to provide a rigorous formation program for middle school students this fall! Journey To Adulthood, or J2A, is an intensive journey that begins with Rite 13, a two-year program for middle school students. If this program is successful, we'll continue with J2A all the way up to their Junior year in high school. You are welcome to join this exciting group either as a hosting church (the group will rotate to different parishes) OR as a mentor, bringing your own middle school students to this program throughout the year.
Contact Rev. ErinErin for more details!
The Collaborative
The Collaborative is our diocesan-wide children, youth, and family workers collegiate group. We use email and shared docs to help resource each other, we aim to meet quarterly, and receive regular newsletters. All who are involved in children and youth ministry in our parishes are welcome to join us! Contact Rev. Erin to be a part of this group. This work just shouldn't be done alone.
Diocesan Summer Youth Camp Visioning Group
Meeting monthly
Would you like to be on this prayerful, creative team, exploring new ideas for a Diocese of Missouri summer camp for youth? We are taking this year to pause, pray, and dream so that we can offer a new iteration of diocesan camp during the summer of 2024. If you have a heart for summer camp, please get in touch with Rev. Erin!