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Missioner Spotlight: The Rev. Meghan Ryan

Our new Missioner for Gun Violence Prevention shares her personal connection to this ministry and her team's goals for our diocese.


Advocate for Common Sense Gun Legislation

If you didn’t get a chance to call your representatives in support of common sense gun legislation, it’s never too late for your officials to get that message.


Conversations for Suicide Safer Homes

The Safer Homes Collaborative, a joint effort between firearm and suicide prevention advocates has created the free training, Conversations for Suicide Safer Homes (CSSH), to teach community members how to have a conversation about access to lethal means with someone who is suicidal.


Wear Orange Sunday: June 9, 2024

Bishop Deon Johnson invites churches throughout the Diocese of Missouri to observe "Wear Orange Sunday" on Sunday, June 9, 2024, to remember the more than 43,000 people who are killed with guns and approximately 76,000 who are shot and wounded every year.


Gun Violence Prevention Ministry: May 2024 Update

Ministry leader Jeff Wunrow brings us updates on gun violence prevention action items.


Gun Violence Prevention Update: Feb. 26, 2024

If reducing gun violence is something you care deeply about and would like to volunteer as a parish representative to help us, please email us!


Lament, Hope, and Resolve to End Gun Violence

Religious leaders from seven faith traditions united in the Diocese of Missouri for this vigil to remember those who have died or been victimized by gun violence.


Gun Violence Prevention: Letter Writing Campaign

We are encouraging people of all faiths to send letters to Senator Caleb Rowden, Senate President, and Representative Dean Plocher, Speaker of the Missouri House asking that sensible gun legislation gets assigned to committee in a timely manner so we can have a public debate on the issues.


Gun Violence Awareness Sunday: Dec. 10, 2023

The prayer of lament, of crying out to God that something is not right, is a prayer of action. Lament acknowledges the sin, the grief, the pain and sorrow.


Be SMART: Step Four - Recognize the role of guns in suicide

The fourth step in the Be SMART program is “R” Recognize the Role of Guns in Suicide.
