Diocesan Education Equity Ministry: Organizational Meeting

There will be a virtual organizational meeting to discuss developing a Diocesan Education Equity Ministry on Tuesday, Feb. 7, at 7 p.m. All members of the Diocese are invited to learn about current ministries and opportunities for advocating for our schools, urban and rural.
Addressing Education Inequity

Bishop Deon has indicated his support for a diocesan-wide ministry to address inequities in education. Does your church work with a school? Would you like your church to? How can we help overcome education inequities in our diocesan communities and in the state of Missouri?
Call for Clergy Counselors

The Faith Aloud clergy counseling line is staffed by volunteers of various religious backgrounds who provide unbiased, judgment-free spiritual support to folks in ALL pregnancy experiences.
Episcopal Church Policy on Immigration and Refugee Issues

The Episcopal Church has been actively concerned with the rights of refugees and migrants since the United States opened its borders to the first waves of immigrants from war-torn countries in the 1930s.
Legislative Update: May 10, 2022

The focus in these last few days of the Missouri Legislative Session, as it was at the Lobby Day last week, is on protecting Voting Rights and the grassroots Initiative Petition Process.
Legislative Update: May 3, 2022

On May 2, more than 100 people from all over Missouri from many grassroots organizations came together under the umbrella of the Missouri Voter Protection Coalition to thank the legislators who have stood up for voting rights, especially defending the grassroots Initiative Petition process and preventing more restrictive voter ID laws from being passed in Missouri.
Legislative Update: April 27, 2022
A large coalition of grassroots organizations, including MO Jobs with Justice, Missouri Faith Voices, Sierra Club of Missouri and MO Healthcare for All (and others!) will join other partner groups and individuals with the MO Voter Protection Coalition for a Lobby Day in Jefferson City on Tuesday, May 3.
Legislative Update: April 19, 2022

The Rev. Dr. Teresa Danieley brings us the latest news from the state capitol.
Legislative Update: April 6, 2022

The Rev. Dr. Teresa Danieley brings us the latest news from the state capitol.
Legislative Update: March 29, 2022

The Rev. Dr. Teresa Danieley brings us the latest news from the state capitol.