Not much has changed since last week in the MO Legislature. The deadline to pass a state budget is May 6 and that is the primary focus. Please refer to last week's update for more information about bills that may be moving in the House and Senate.
A large coalition of grassroots organizations, including MO Jobs with Justice, Missouri Faith Voices, Sierra Club of Missouri and MO Healthcare for All (and others!) will join other partner groups and individuals with the MO Voter Protection Coalition for a Lobby Day in Jefferson City on Tuesday, May 3. You must register in advance, especially if you want to carpool from different parts of the state. There will be several trainings held in the next week for people who have not spoken with their legislators in Jeff City before or who want additional information. You may see the full MO Legislative Update - 3 Weeks to Go! from MOJWJ here.
Voting Rights Lobby Day with Missouri Voter Protection Coalition & partners on Tuesday, May 3rd beginning at 10 a.m. at the Capitol. RSVP & more information at https://bit.ly/May3Lobby - see the flyer on MO JWJ Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Expanding Voting Rights is key to fulfilling the promise of democracy. From making it easier for returning citizens to access voting ("returning citizens" refers to people who were convicted and have served their time in prison for felonies) to expanding voting hours and vote by mail so that people with physical limitations, work obligations, familial obligations and other needs are able to vote, to allowing multiple forms of valid voting identification, we need to increase voting access in Missouri, not make it hard. Expanding voting rights is something that Christians, and specifically Episcopalians, have been committed to for over a century.