ChurchNext Courses Now Available in DioMO

The Diocese of Missouri has affiliated with ChurchNext, an online library of Christian Formation courses rooted in Episcopal practice and theology.
Project Resource 2024

Project Resource is an opportunity for churches to engage in the ministry of stewardship this fall.
Vote Faithfully Academy

Beautiful Bridges partners with Vote Faithfully to create the Vote Faithfully Academy, an online gathering to help discern our Christian call to peacefully engage in the election process.
Brotherhood of St. Andrew: God and Mammon

All are invited to be in discussion with the Brotherhood of St. Andrew in August as they take a closer look at our attitudes about wealth.
The Human Pilgrimage

This conference from The Episcopal Church and held in Oklahoma City will focus on how to be a human being faithfully, from birth to death, how we live well and take care of one another, and how we can answer the great commission in light of this reality.
Spanish Language Immersion Trip

Clergy and lay members from the Diocese of Missouri are invited to join fellow Episcopalians from Bethlehem, PA, for a two-week Spanish immersion opportunity in Mexico in the fall of 2024.
Rural Ministries Town Hall
Connect, brainstorm, and collaborate with gifted lay leaders and clergy from rural congregations across our diocese to explore the unique gifts and challenges of discipleship in small town Missouri.
The Brotherhood of St. Andrew: July gathering

How much do you know about The Episcopal Church? The Brotherhood of St. Andrew invites you to consider this question at a special outdoor gathering in July.
Bridges Foundation offers life-changing experience of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola in Everyday Life

The 8-month retreat helps participants draw closer to God by deepening their relationship with Jesus, create a more disciplined prayer life using a variety of prayer styles, find spiritual guidance for making big decisions, and form a clearer picture of their purpose and future.
Building Beautiful Bridges

The Episcopal Diocese of Missouri is launching a new initiative called Beautiful Bridges. Our goal is to cross divides in our society, make connections, and build relationships within our diocese to be an example and an inspiration to others.