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Campus Ministry: Supporting a New Generation

As students head back to classes this fall, campus ministries throughout the Diocese of Missouri are gearing up to support a new generation of young adults.


Idea Toolbox: Leasing Unused Church Space

If you want to get something done at your church, you might think you have to do it yourself. But as St. Francis Episcopal Church in Eureka is learning, sometimes you can save time, money, and stress by paying someone in the secular world to get it done for you.


Idea Toolbox: Leasing unused church space

St. Francis Episcopal Church in Eureka shares how a leasing agent saved them time, money, and stress.


Missioner Spotlight: The Rev. Kevin McGrane, Creation Care Ministry

In his role as Creation Care Missioner, Kevin hopes to help people understand that we all need to reshape how we live so we can take care of the planet.


Missioner Spotlight: The Rev. Kevin McGrane, Creation Care Ministry

Missioner Kevin McGrane says Creation Care is more than a fad -- it is part and parcel of our walk with Christ.


A Christian Response to Climate Change

If we have a call to participate in the stewardship of the created world we share, what does that vocation of stewardship look like in the middle of a human-created ecological catastrophe far beyond the scope of any one individual person?


Good News Gardening in DioMO

Churches throughout the Diocese of Missouri are transforming our communities by tending gardens throughout the summer.


Missioner Spotlight: The Rev. Kevin McGrane, Creation Care Ministry

In his role as Creation Care Missioner, Kevin hopes to help people understand that we all need to reshape how we live so we can take care of the planet.


Children and Youth Ministry Events: 2023-2024

Ministry Developer the Rev. Erin Pickersgill outlines diocesan events planned for children and youth this ‘23-’24 program year.


Local Newspaper Features Diocesan Dismantling Racism Commission

The Rev. Aaron Rogers, one of the co-facilitators for the Diocesan Dismantling Racism Commission, talked to the St. Louis American about the work of the Dismantling Racism Commission and why people of faith should care about diversity, equity, and inclusion.
