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Responding to violence against Asian Americans

Bishop Deon Johnson condemns acts violence against Asian Americans and calls us to help end the racism that has become a part of the cultural landscape of our nation.


Letter from the Bishop: Waiting on election results

Bishop Deon Johnson sends a letter to the people of the Diocese as we await election results in the 2020 presidential election.


Fall Discipleship Development Opportunities

The Rev. Canon Whitney Rice, Canon for Evangelism and Discipleship Development offers learning opportunities for fall 2020.


Anti-Racism Covenant

In response to the death of George Floyd and others in police custody, the Rt. Rev. Deon Johnson wrote an anti-racism covenant. The document includes our laments (the things we confess to doing wrong) and our covenant (the promises we make to do better).


Missouri Clergy Support New Bishop's Calls for Equality and Justice

As clergy of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri, we join our new bishop, the Rt. Rev. Deon K. Johnson, in crying out for justice and peace for all of God's children.


COVID-19 Reflection

In the midst of much change and challenge around COVID-19, in the midst of this Global Good Friday, we must now be bold, like Mary Magdalene, in the proclamation that Easter is coming!


Bishop Appoints Deputy for Gun Violence Prevention

Bishop George Wayne Smith announces the appointment of the Rev. Marc D. Smith, Ph.D., as Bishop’s Deputy for Gun Violence Prevention.
