(Photo: Lake Mead, the largest water reservoir in the U.S. Water levels are so low that its mineral-covered ring around its perimeter is exposed.)
We all have noticed that our world is changing: coastlines are shifting, heatwaves are more common and more severe, some regions are wetter, others are drying out. We see stronger and more frequent storms and hurricanes, and record-breaking wildfires. Our climate is becoming less stable, and our neighbors are suffering.
Many of these changes are harmful. They can damage our health, destabilize our communities, and burden our budgets. They are especially harmful to low-income families, to communities of color, to those living with disabilities, and to those who are particularly vulnerable such as children and the elderly.
We have a responsibility to be good stewards and to make moral choices for the good of all creation in order to bring about a more just society. It is time for us all to embrace this opportunity to serve God, to work alongside the most vulnerable, and to live out our faith by working toward the health of our environment.
Our principles as stewards of God’s creation give us a solid foundation for meaningful multi-faith work. We must lead the way, serving as the conscience of our culture by reducing energy use, preparing for climate change, and advocating for solutions on behalf of ourselves and our neighbors.
The Episcopal Church is part of a diverse group of faith organizations answering the call to care of God's creation by leading on climate solutions. The group has put together a guide to will show you new ways to serve God, love your neighbor, be good stewards, act for the good of creation, live out your faith, work for justice, help make your congregation more financially stable, and strengthen your moral witness to the world. Please read and discuss ways you can respond to the current crisis in your community. The Creation Care Ministry is here to support your efforts.
Download the guide:
Moving Forward: A Guide to Climate Action for Your Congregation and Community