Racial Unity Week: June 15-22, 2024

Together StL invites people of all faiths to come together for a week of events to promote racial unity in the St. Louis metropolitan area.
Missioner Spotlight: The Rev. Meghan Ryan

Our new Missioner for Gun Violence Prevention shares her personal connection to this ministry and her team's goals for our diocese.
Clergy Transitions: Summer 2024

As the summer season officially begins, we have clergy on the move throughout the Diocese of Missouri! Here is a quick look at recent clergy transitions.
Brotherhood of St. Andrew: June Gathering

The Brotherhood of St. Andrew invites all to engage in discussion of the book Those Episkopols.
A Conversation about mystics with the Rev. Dr. Emily Hillquist Davis

The Rev. Dr. Emily Hillquist Davis discusses her love of mysticism and a recent workshop she led that focused on some of her favorite mystics.
St. Francis offers scholarship to students experiencing homelessness

The Rev. Laurie Anzilotti, Vicar at St. Francis, awarded the first Kathleen McDonald Memorial Scholarship to Robert (Riley) Boyd, a Pacific High School student who plans to attend Southern Illinois University and become a therapist. Riley says being a therapist is something he has wanted to do for years, before he experienced homelessness.
The St. Michael School announces new leader

The St. Michael School of Clayton, on the grounds of The Episcopal Church of St. Michael & St. George, welcomes Dr. Elizabeth Human as the new Head of School.
Pentecost Baptism at Hope Church

Hope Episcopal Church in Town and Country shares news of a joyous baptism on Pentecost Sunday.
New Ventures in Community Ministries: 2025 Grant Application

The mission of the Diocesan Outreach Endowment Fund through the New Ventures in Community Ministries Grants is to inspire congregations to dare great things for God by developing new ministries and visions in response to changing social needs throughout the Diocese.
Calvary, Columbia partners with local elementary school

Members of Calvary Episcopal Church in Columbia learned a lesson in community partnership while helping with school plays, teaching about the solar eclipse, and engaging in art projects with local students.