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Children and Youth Ministry Update: May 2024

The Rev. Erin Pickersgill shares some of the exciting projects, events, plans and moments in the Diocese's Ministry for Children and Youth.


Public Advocacy: State Legislative Update

With only three weeks left in the Missouri legislative session, our Diocesan Public Advocacy Missioner highlights issues important to our Christian mission.


Growing our Young Adult Ministry

The Bishop introduces the Rev. Aaron Rogers, our new Ministry Developer for Young Adult Ministry.


Rockwell House Kicks Off New School Year

Rockwell House Episcopal Campus Ministry is ready to welcome students home for another school year!


Deadlines for Camp Phoenix

The Rev. Erin Pickersgill has set application deadlines for camp counselors and for camper registration for this summer's Camp Phoenix.


Camp Phoenix Deadlines

The deadline to apply to be a camp counselor is May 17. The deadline to register a camper is June 30, 2024.


Revival Weekend at GACC

Grace African Christians Connection, a church plant in the Diocese of Missouri, invites all to a weekend of spirituality and fellowship.


Community Organizing Training

The training will focus on using the community organizing tool of "one on one" to help engage community members, learn interests, and help inspire others to community engagement.


Navigating Legislation at General Convention

General Convention deputy Michael Booker offers a video to explain how to follow legislation at the 2024 General Convention.


Holy Hikes: Rebuilding communion with all of God's creation

Creation Care Missioner the Rev. Kevin McGrane invites us to worship God in the beauty of nature.
