Bishop Deon Johnson and 11 lay and clergy members will be heading to Louisville, Kentucky, to represent the Diocese of Missouri at the 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church. Events begin Saturday, June 22 and run through Friday, June 28 (see the full schedule).
The General Convention is the governing body of The Episcopal Church. Every three years it meets as a bicameral legislature that includes the House of Deputies and the House of Bishops, composed of deputies and bishops from each diocese.
GC81 will include elections for Presiding Bishop and President of the House of Deputies, along with daily worship services and legislative sessions. Love. Always., an Episcopal Revival and Learning Party featuring Presiding Bishop Michael Curry will kick off the festivities on Saturday, June 22.
Follow all the action from The Episcopal Church
The Episcopal Church Media Hub is your source for livestreams and news from General Convention.
You can watch live coverage from the House of Bishops, the House of Deputies, the Revival, worship services, and press conferences. You'll also find the latest headlines from Episcopal News Service and press releases from the Office of Public Affairs. Plus, you will find selected video highlights and photos added throughout the convention.
Go to https://media.episcopalchurch.org/video/.
Follow on social media: #GC81
Follow news from The Diocese of Missouri
Bishop Deon Johnson and our elected deputies will be offering news and photos from General Convention on social media and our diocesan website. Communications Director Janis Greenbaum will also be there to follow our team, post updates, and bring you fun feature stories throughout the convention.
You can follow our diocesan team on their social media:
#GC81 #DioMo
- Facebook:
- Episcopal Diocese of Missouri
- Deon K. Johnson
- Betty Bowersox
- Michael Booker
- Pat O'Brien
- Kathie Adams-Shepherd
- Shug Goodlow
- Tamsen Whistler
- Doris Westfall
- Instagram:
- Diocese of Missouri: @missouriepiscopal
- Betty Bowersox: @betty.bowersox
- Kathie Adams Shepherd: @kadamsshepherd
- Shug Goodlow: @hustlinrev
- Tamsen Whistler: @tamsenwhistler
- Josh Huber: @elcmcomo
- Leslie Scoopmire: @scoopexplainsit
- X:
- Betty Bowersox: @bowersbl
- Leslie Scoopmire: @scoopexplainsit
- TikTok:
- Josh Huber: @elcmcomo
- Diocesan website:
- https://www.diocesemo.org/news/