Called: Forming leadership for now and the future, for the church and beyond
Called is a new initiative starting this year, gathering high school students from across the Diocese to mentor and train them for leadership in the church and the world.
DIALING FOR DEMOCRACY – Jeff Wunrow, Co-Missioner for Advocacy, Gun Violence Prevention
We continue our special election series with a reflection from Jeff Wunrow, Co-Missioner for Advocacy, Gun Violence Prevention.
Camp Firebird - A Reflection from The Rev. Erin Pickersgill
The Rev. Erin Pickersgill’s heartfelt reflection on the emergence of Camp Firebird is a tale of transformation. What began as the end of an era evolved into something far more powerful—a new beginning. Discover the beauty of renewal, the unexpected turns of life, and the magic that comes when hope takes flight.
ChurchNext Courses Now Available in DioMO

The Diocese of Missouri has affiliated with ChurchNext, an online library of Christian Formation courses rooted in Episcopal practice and theology.
Responding to School Shooting in GA
On September 4, 2024, a mass shooting occurred at Apalachee High School in Barrow County, Georgia, northeast of Atlanta. At least four people were killed, and nine were injured. Bishop Deon Johnson offers reflection, prayer, and resources in response to this gun violence.
Diocesan Rule of Life
Over the last several months, members of the Religious orders in the Diocese have been engaged in intentional listening as they help us discern a Diocesan Rule of Life. "In a sense, they invite us to, as a Diocesan household, create a daily habit that deepens our connection to God and to each other." - Bishop Johnson
EVERY LIFE, EVERY VOICE, EVERY VOTE MATTERS – The Rev. Barbi Click, Missioner for Jubilee Ministry
We continue our special election series with a reflection from The Rev. Barbi Click, Missioner for Jubilee Ministry.
WHY CANVASSING MATTERS - Cynthia M. Fox, Member of Trinity CWE
We continue our special election series with a reflection from Cynthia M. Fox, Member of Trinity CWE.
2024 Diocese of Missouri Episcopal Church Women (ECW) Retreat & Annual Meeting: Sacred Body
Join the Diocesan ECW Board for our Retreat and Annual Meeting, featuring guest speaker, The Rev. Canon Whitney Rice.
St. Francis' Caregivers Support Group:
St. Francis' will be holding a Caregivers Support Group