As there are only three weeks left in the 2024 Missouri legislative session, the legislature is still constitutionally required to approve a state budget and must pass the "FRA" - Missouri’s Federal Reimbursement Allowance program, which is one of the state's most important revenue sources.
Meanwhile, time continues to be wasted on bills that do not enhance the welfare of the people of Missouri.
PROMO has compiled these 3 important Action Alerts for this week from Planned Parenthood (HB 2634), MOJWJ (SJR 74) and MOEPP (SB 727):
- Demand Governor Parson veto HB 2634 and ensure Missourians have access to essential health care.
- Urge your senator to vote NO on SJR 74 and to defend the "one person, one vote" majority rule we have in place.
- Call Governor Parson to veto SB 727 and protect the funding of public education: 573-751-3222
Please note: You can use our Voter Voice tool to look up specific bills and get the latest information on them.