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May 3, 2024 Janis Greenbaum

Engaging young adults in The Episcopal Church is a priority for the Rt. Rev. Deon Johnson, Bishop of The Diocese of Missouri. "That's the generation missing from our church these days," the bishop said. "We have an opportunity to fill that gap by inviting young people into ministry."

The bishop has hired the Rev. Aaron Rogers to help us fill that gap. Aaron's title is Diocesan Ministry Developer for Young Adult Ministry. As a part-time member of the bishop's staff, Aaron is focused on creating spaces for young people to share mutual concern for one another’s well being and develop a sense of shared values.

Aaron defines "young adult" as anyone between the ages of 18 and 40 -- which is a large group that includes students heading off to college, young professionals, and those starting families.

"The best way to describe it is with the story of young adults in the Diocese. In some places, young adults are a vibrant part of the congregations. They're in leadership and doing ministry. In other places, they are completely missing," Aaron explains. "So my job is pretty much to bring forth that kind of 'lost generation' in our churches to create community amongst those already here and also to show what's possible in young adult ministry going forward."

Aaron says it all starts with conversations. He plans to meet with churches in different stages of young adult involvement to understand what's happening. Collaborating with other ministries in the Diocese - like campus ministry and Grace African Christians Connection - will help capitalize on the energy that already exists.

Aaron says he also plans to talk with young adults outside the church. "It's about hospitality and creating space. You'd be surprised how office hours in the coffee shop can help you meet people," Aaron says. "You just have to be present. People will find you."

By building a framework of "serve, worship, and grow," Aaron hopes to create a pipeline for young adults not just to be in church, but to be leaders in church. He says we have to create worship and formation opportunities for young adults in new and creative ways. "We need to reintroduce them to what faith is like and how exciting it can be," Aaron says.

This new position in our diocese is made possible by a grant from Trinity Wall Street. Aaron was selected to participate in a two-year fellowship that offers him the opportunity to deepen his skills to effectively serve his community while building lifelong supportive peer and mentoring relationships. (Learn more about this honor.)

Aaron also serves as part of a team of Virginia Theological Seminary faculty and church practitioners seeking to support and encourage church leaders as they engage in young adult ministries. The group publishes the "Young Adult Trend Report" to help inform youth and young adult ministries across church traditions.

Aaron graduated from Virginia Theological Seminary in May of 2023 and was ordained as a transitional deacon in the Episcopal Church on June 3, 2023 at Christ Church Cathedral. His ordination to the priesthood is scheduled for December 9, 2023. Aaron is also serving as the clergy in charge at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church in Ferguson. He and his wife Triná have 2 daughters. Aaron enjoys hiking, reading, poetry, and boxing.

Contact the Rev. Aaron Rogers at arogers@diocesemo.org.