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August 28, 2024

2024 Diocese of Missouri Episcopal Church Women (ECW)

Retreat & Annual Meeting: Sacred Body


Explore American orthodoxy and orthopraxy around our bodies—who society says we are and how we should treat ourselves around appearance, weight, age, sexuality, gender identity, race and ethnicity, ability/disability, motherhood and fertility. Through scripture study, imagine how Jesus wants us to see and care for our bodies, and then write and use in worship a Creed and Covenant of Women’s Living Incarnation modeled after the Nicene Creed and Baptismal Covenant.

Please register in advance for this event by October 8, 2024. Download the registration form here.

Cost of $30 (shared room) or $45 (single occupancy) includes overnight accommodations, meals and activities. $15 commuter option for meals and activities only.

For more information, contact Susan Goen at 314-374-2152 (voice/text) or susangoen@sbcglobal.net.