Have you ever traveled to the forests of the Northwest U.S. and stood under a giant redwood tree... and felt the presence of God?
Have you ever walked along the shore of the ocean and felt the waves crash in on your feet... and felt the presence of God?
Have you ever just been alone in nature and closed your eyes... and felt the presence of God?
“There is an affinity between nature and God that I am surprised more people just don’t get!” said the Rev. Kevin McGrane, our Missioner for Creation Care Ministry in the Diocese of Missouri.
It’s those “God moments” that have helped Kevin develop a passion for the ministry of Creation Care.
“Creation Care isn’t just a fad or a political agenda,” Kevin said. “Creation Care is part and parcel of our walk with Christ. It’s not so much something you carry around in your head, it’s something you live.”
In his role as Creation Care Missioner, Kevin hopes to help people understand that we all need to reshape how we live so we can take care of the planet.
“The earth is one giant living biosphere and we’re abusing it,” Kevin said. He points to Matthew 25:
And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” (Matthew 25:40)
“When we treat people badly, we consider that a sin. We’ve got to take care of creation just like we take care of the poorest of the poor.”
Kevin leads a Creation Care Ministry Team, made up of members from throughout the Diocese. The team helps to plan special events like “Holy Hikes,” environmentally-themed movie night discussions, and other special events for our communities.
He is also spearheading an exciting effort to bring solar energy to churches throughout our diocese. More than a dozen of our congregations are exploring the possibilities. Legal negotiations are in process now. We hope to move forward soon by identifying local vendors and creating an installation schedule for parishes who want to move forward.
Kevin was ordained in 2014 and served as a vocational deacon in the Diocese for seven years before he heard the call to become a priest. He was ordained a priest in 2021 and is now serving as the priest-in-charge at Trinity Episcopal Church in St. James. He and his wife Catherine, a retired conservation biologist, live on a homestead in unincorporated Sullivan. They enjoy raising chickens and goats and experiencing a connection with nature that living outside a city brings them.
Kevin shares this ministry leadership with Parker Williams, who is currently living in the United Kingdom and attending Oxford University. If you are interested in getting involved in the creation care movement, contact Kevin at kjpmcgrane@yahoo.com.