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March 22, 2022 The Rev. Dr. Teresa Danieley

Firearms in Worship:

First, I know there has been concern about the passage of HB 1462, which would allow guns in places of worship and public transportation. Bishop Deon spoke out against an identical bill during the 2021 Missouri Legislative Session, which did not pass in 2021. 2022's HB 1462 does not have a Senate Hearing scheduled, which means that it is an extremely low priority for the Senate, which adjourns on Friday, May 13, 2022. I have asked a leader of Moms Demand Action Missouri to let me know directly if there is movement on the bill or if action is needed.

Here are two priorities for immediate Action this week, as the Missouri Legislature returns from their Spring Break this week and there are Hearings on HJR 117 and HB 1552 on Tuesday, March 22.

Public Education:

These bills are about efforts to shift funds intended for public schools to charter schools. Lest we think that the privatization of public education is a City problem, 128 school districts in Missouri are currently operating only 4 days a week due to lack of funding. Missouri is 49th out of 50th in state education funding.

  • Bill numbers: SB869 is the companion to HB1552
  • How to take Action:
    • Send a message to your own Senator here: https://www.mojwj.org/action/protect-public-schools-2022/
    • Participate in upcoming Champion Strategy Sessions on Supporting Public Schools as Public Goods:
      • Tuesday, April 12, 10:00 - 11:30 am & Wednesday, April 27, 6:30 - 8:00 pm. Plan to attend for 90 minutes, on camera as much as possible. RSVP to Teresa Danieley at teresa@mojwj.org

Medicaid Expansion:

Yes, more than 18 months after Missourians voted to deliver health care to more than 250,000 more of our neighbors, some are still trying to strip that away from us.

  • Bill numbers: HJR 117- the repeal of Medicaid Expansion on the ballot - call it this, every single time
  • Why take action: We cannot allow this to only be a discussion that happens in Jefferson City. That has been shown to be a losing strategy consistently, we need to show our elected officials that this matters to real people.
  • How to take Action: https://www.mojwj.org/action/protect-medicaid-expansion/


HERE is a full list of this week's Hearings in the Missouri Senate. (Note: I am focusing on the Senate Hearings because, if a bill has not passed out of the House by now, it is unlikely to be passed by the Senate by May 13, 2022, the end of the 2022 Legislative Session.)

Thank you for striving for justice and peace and respecting the dignity of every human being.


Contact the Rev. Dr. Teresa Mithen Danieley for more information on these issues.


Categories: Public Advocacy