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June 25, 2024

Intro by the Rev. Jessica Wachter

Journey Church is a new church plant in Fulton, Missouri, whose participants are predominantly (but not exclusively) unhoused, low income, and/or differently abled. It is a congregation focused on empowering those the world most often dismisses.

We have about 25-30 people coming regularly, although not necessarily all on the same Sunday. The issues with getting our building fixed up have been a massive challenge. Thankfully we have finally found a competent company that is working on repairing it right now. I believe once our building is health code compliant, with a real kitchen, flooring, drywall, etc., it will really help us bring in more people.

Distributing Care Packages

The following story was written by Sean Gibson, an 8th grader and Journey Church participant.

We gave people free care packages at motels. The list of items is as follows:

  • One Bible
  • One flier for the church (location, times, free meal, rides available)
  • Food items (Cheez It crackers, Pop Tarts, cereal, and others)
  • Juice
  • Hygiene products (toothbrush, razor, shaving cream, etc.)

Motels are likely to be expensive. Most people there don't have another place to go. To me, it felt nice to give the packages.

We got to the Amerihost Hotel and we gave a man named Gary a care package. Gary said thank you and that he hadn't had his own Bible for a while and really wanted one and that he wanted to visit our church. We went to the front desk and gave more packages and talked to more people. Gary taught us about pool maintenance. The water was acidic.

Remember, if you are a Christian, one of the commandments is to love thy neighbor.

We give thanks for donations from the City of Fulton Police and local nonprofit Callaway Cares that made this project possible. We also give thanks for Grace Episcopal Church (Jefferson City) and Calvary Episcopal Church (Columbia), who are collecting even more donations for us to share with more motel-dwellers and people camping outside.