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April 18, 2023 Janis Greenbaum

Aaron Rogers, who will be ordained in the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri this June, has been chosen as a 2023 Trinity Leadership Fellow.

Aaron is one of 22 faith leaders selected from more than 900 applicants, spanning various faith traditions and vocations. The fellowship is a two-year, non-residential program that puts together leaders from all over the world to help them create positive change in their congregations and communities.

"I am passionate about the future of the Church," said Aaron."This opportunity allows me to engage other forward-thinking leaders across a variety of fields on how to lead the institution I care about into the future."

This fellowship was created by Trinity Church Wall Street. Participants will learn from leading scholars at Harvard, experts in the field, and mentors in their faith tradition. The program also offers fellows the opportunity to deepen the skills needed to effectively serve their communities and congregations while building lifelong supportive peer and mentoring relationships.

"The creators of the fellowship understand that the best way to change the world is to help leaders grow where they are," Aaron said.

Aaron will graduate from Virginia Theological Seminary on May 11 and will be ordained to the transitional diaconate at Christ Church Cathedral in St. Louis on June 3. The fellowship kicks off in New York City this September.

Congratulations, Aaron!