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June 28, 2024 Janis Greenbaum

The 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church is now history. Our DioMO deputation put in six long days (and nights) of work with about 800 other lay and clergy deputies and more than 100 bishops from around the world.

The final day of GC81 began with a beautiful worship service inside the Convention Center in Louisville, Kentucky. Presiding Bishop-elect Sean Rowe preached at the service, with outgoing Presiding Bishop Michael Curry presiding.

The legislative session tackled difficult topics, including a resolution affirming the imperative of a Palestinian state. General Convention also celebrated newly combined dioceses, changed the definition of Holy Matrimony in the Book of Common Prayer (two people instead of woman and man), and commemorated Harriet Tubman, Barbara Harris, and the Philadelphia Eleven.

We have two deputy reflections today: Lay deputy Adrienne Dillon from the Episcopal Church of All Saints and Ascension in Northwoods shares her thoughts on how our church is beginning a reckoning with white supremacy, her joy from singing in the choir, and thoughts about the future of our church:

And first-time clergy deputy Josh Huber from Calvary Episcopal Church in Columbia compares his experience at General Convention to church camp!

We are grateful to all our deputies for their dedication to our church!

You can get all the news from GC81 from the Episcopal News Service website: