This is the most fun I’ve had at a General Convention (my third).
It’s also the most tired I’ve ever been at a General Convention (GC).
But I think I’ve finally started to figure out how GC works!
As part of my Legislative Committee work, I was a liaison with the Committee on Constitution and Canons (LC-02). LC-02 met four times by Zoom beginning in March, plus four 7 a.m. meetings here in Louisville. They researched, discussed, heard testimony, and word-smithed 28 resolutions that were assigned to them. As the week has passed, I’ve seen these resolutions come to the floor — some were adopted on a consent calendar after being first adopted by the House of Bishops, others came to the floor for discussion and debate before a vote by the House of Deputies.
Just think about a large room filled with 415 clergy and 414 lay deputies - 829 people voting, plus about another 200 alternate deputies along the side of the room, wishing they could vote! There were 106 Dioceses with lay deputies and 109 dioceses containing clergy deputies. Two evening legislative sessions were reserved “in case,” and we used them both. So, up and ready for 7 a.m. meetings, evening sessions that close near 9 p.m., then gathering with the deputies afterward for discussion on what has happened and what might happen next. Long days, but worth it!
The current House of Deputies President has been elected for another three-year term. A new HoD Vice President has been elected. And we have a new Presiding Bishop-elect who sounds like he’s prepared to lead The Episcopal Church toward a more healthy future — ch-ch-ch-change is a-coming!
It’s been a week of Eucharist services for more than 1,000 that were interpreted into Spanish, French, Chinese, or maybe one of the many Native Indian dialects. We had morning prayer services, and a lot of praying before and during legislative sessions - at the beginning of meetings, before votes, between votes, after votes. On Thursday at noon there was an anti-gun violence walk, demonstration, and prayer meeting at a nearby park. Nothing better than a huge gathering of Bishops in red/orange robes, clergy in orange stoles with a smattering of orange on the laity, lots of singing and praying, and a forceful youth presence. It was a good feeling when one of Bishop Deon’s prayers that he wrote about gun violence was read to the demonstrators to begin the event!
We can finally meet together again, and I’ve run into some Diocese of MO priests and laity here for other Episcopal gatherings, as well as many friends from the other dioceses in Province V. Plus there was a great exhibition hall that begged perusing. Although COVID has recently shown up in a couple deputations, we’re able to mask if it’s our choice and food and drinks are allowed on the house floor. The DioMO deputation was once again close to the deputation from Europe’s table, who kindly brought many boxes of Belgian chocolates to share. Great stuff!
Navajoland became a missionary diocese, and can now elect their own bishop. Their deputation supported Resolution A095 titled “Continue the Task Force on Indigenous Liturgy,” which included a touching ‘Prayer to Remember the Innocents’ that talks about children who had been forced into residential and boarding schools. And today (June 7/28) approval of C-025 will ratify the juncture of The Episcopal Dioceses of Eastern and Western MIchigan, creating the new Diocese of the Great Lakes. Similarly, approval of D-051 will approve the reunion of the Dioceses of Esau Claire, Fond du Lac, and Milwaukee, into the Diocese of Wisconsin. All of these Dioceses are within the boundaries of Province V.
On Friday we celebrate with a wonderful morning Eucharist for all GC81 attendees, then try, in the last five hours of legislative sessions, to get the final resolutions adopted by both the House of Deputies and the House of Bishops in EXACTLY the same language. And that will close the book on this 81st General Convention of the Episcopal Church - a book that will open again as the Church begins to implement the resolutions that have been passed this week. But soon - back to St. Louis!
Photo by the Rev. Leslie Scoopmire: Presiding Bishop Michael Curry at Friday morning's worship service.