2024 Resolutions
Resolution A-185 Clergy Compensation
Resolution B-185 Church Pension Fund Benefits for Vocational Deacons
Resolution C-185 Elizabeth Dyer Resolution
Resolution E-185 Mental Health Awareness Sunday
Resolution F-185 Join The Communion Forest Initiative
Resolution G-185 Commending Safe Gun Storage
Resolution H-185 End the Practice of Labor Trafficking of Migrant Youth
Resolution I-185 Support for the Association for Episcopal Deacons
Resolution J-185 Condemning Censorship
Resolution K-185 A Resolution to Amend Section 1 of Article III.9 of the Constitution of the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Missouri
Proposed alterations to the Book of Common Prayer and the Constitution
Resolutions referred to dioceses for review from the 81st General Convention
It is a requirement of Canon I.1.1.e of the Constitution & Canons of The Episcopal Church that you receive notice whenever any alteration of the Book of Common Prayer or of the Constitution is proposed. The 81st General Convention proposed three resolutions with changes to the Constitution and one to the Book of Common Prayer. Please read them prior to the start of the Diocesan Convention.
A043 Amend Constitution Article VIII regarding Clergy in Local Ecumenical Partnerships - FIRST READING General Convention Virtual Binder (vbinder.net)
A116 Marriage Rites for Inclusion in the Book of Common Prayer (First Reading) General Convention Virtual Binder (vbinder.net)
A224 Amend Article X with clarifying amendments (post 2024-A072) - FIRST READING General Convention Virtual Binder (vbinder.net)
D049 Increase by one the possible number of bishops suffragans in a Diocese [First Reading] General Convention Virtual Binder
According to the Canons of the Diocese of Missouri, all proposed resolutions for consideration at the Diocesan Convention must be submitted for consideration no later than 50 days prior to the opening of that convention. That due date is 5 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024.
Resolutions to be considered at the 2024 Convention will be posted here when they are available.