Survey: Racial Reconciliation and Justice
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry has tasked the Episcopal Church’s Racial Reconciliation and Justice Team with supporting you in these critical ministries of racial justice, healing, and reconciliation.
Updating Our Safe Church Training
The week of July 12, 2021, marks the beginning of a transition to our new Safe Church, Safe Communities curriculum (formerly Safeguarding God’s Children).
2021 ECW Scholarship Awarded
The Diocese of Missouri Episcopal Church Women (ECW) awarded its annual $1,000 scholarship for 2021 to Abigail Robertson, a member of The Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration in Lake St. Louis.
Safe Church and Anti-sexual Harassment Training
A new diocesan task force has begun work to implement new trainings for safe church and anti-sexual harassment policies. The task force wants YOUR input to help define its focus.
Creation Care and Environmental Racism
A new resource addresses the connections between environmental theology and questions of social, political, and economic justice; racism, sexism, and settler colonialism; and practical theologies of activism and advocacy.
Letter from the Bishop: Anticipating a verdict in the Derek Chauven trial
Bishop Deon Johnson issues a pastoral letter to the people of the Diocese in anticipation of a verdict in the Derek Chauven trial.
Creation Care Ministry Takes Root in the Diocese of Missouri
The Episcopal Church has made a commitment to practice loving formation, liberating advocacy, and life-giving conversation surrounding the care of creation.
Responding to violence against Asian Americans
Bishop Deon Johnson condemns acts violence against Asian Americans and calls us to help end the racism that has become a part of the cultural landscape of our nation.
Letter from the Bishop: Waiting on election results
Bishop Deon Johnson sends a letter to the people of the Diocese as we await election results in the 2020 presidential election.
Fall Discipleship Development Opportunities
The Rev. Canon Whitney Rice, Canon for Evangelism and Discipleship Development offers learning opportunities for fall 2020.