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August 15, 2022 Jillian Smith

As you may know, the online modules and platform for Safe Church training (formerly Safeguarding) have updated within the last year. The rollout of new training modules has been slow and staggered, and many across the Diocese signed up for training when modules were yet to be released!

We wanted to inform everyone that there are now eight Safe Church, Safe Communities modules available at this time. If you are already enrolled, we encourage you to check your progress and ensure you have taken all the available courses. If you are not yet enrolled, please visit our Safe Church page on the diocesan website for instructions on getting signed up and which courses you need to take based on your role in your parish or ministry.

Here is a list of the currently available courses for your convenience. If you have any questions, please contact Jillian Smith at jsmith@diocesemo.org

  • Safe Church, Safe Communities: Introduction & Theological Background
  • Safe Church, Safe Communities: Organizational Rules & Policies
  • Safe Church, Safe Communities: Inclusion
  • Safe Church, Safe Communities: Abuse and Neglect
  • Safe Church, Safe Communities: Bullying
  • Safe Church, Safe Communities: Healthy Boundaries
  • Safe Church, Safe Communities: Pastoral Relationships
  • Safe Church, Safe Communities: Power and Relationships

Here is testimony from Doris Lucy-Goodlow, one of the members of the Safe Church Task Force, on why our commitment to this work is so important:

“The Safe Church Task Force has been working hard to provide training and to develop training models for clergy, lay leadership, employees and volunteers. These training modules have been created to make this process painless and more accessible to all those across the Diocese of Missouri.

"Every year a review of policy and procedures concerning allegations and incidents from sexual misconduct are requested from each congregation, and every three years the training modules are to be retaken.

"In order to secure a safe environment to do God's work, it is required and important for ALL clergy, ALL volunteers who regularly supervise youth activities and work work vulnerable adults, ALL vestry/Bishop’s Committee members, and ALL employees to take the training that is developed for our mission: Walking humbly with God and our neighbor, we seek justice, act with love, and live the Good News of Jesus.

"This training will allow us better to do the work we are called to do--to act with love–and the Safe Church Task Force will be with you along the way."

Categories: Safe Church