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Invitation to Winter Talk 2023

As The Episcopal Church reckons more deeply with its past involvement in Indigenous boarding schools, the Office of Indigenous Ministries invites all Episcopalians to register to watch Winter Talk 2023, an annual conference that highlights Indigenous and Native American traditions and contributions within the church.


Considering Solar Energy at Your Church

The Diocese of Missouri is inaugurating a diocesan solar program with the Episcopal Renewable Energy Nonprofit, known as EREN, out of the Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin, CA.


Addressing Education Inequity

Bishop Deon has indicated his support for a diocesan-wide ministry to address inequities in education. Does your church work with a school? Would you like your church to? How can we help overcome education inequities in our diocesan communities and in the state of Missouri?


Native American Heritage Month Stories: Nov. 29-30, 2022 - General Convention Resolutions and Additional Resources

Join us as we celebrate Native American Heritage Month throughout the month of November.


Native American Heritage Month Stories: Nov. 22-28 - Indigenous Leaders in The Episcopal Church

Join us as we celebrate Native American Heritage Month throughout the month of November.


Native American Heritage Month Stories: Nov. 15-21 - Native Arts and Culture

Join us as we celebrate Native American Heritage Month throughout the month of November.


Native American Heritage Month Stories: Nov. 8-14 - Indigenous Missouri

Join us as we celebrate Native American Heritage Month throughout the month of November.


Native American Heritage Month Stories: Nov. 1-7, 2022

Join us as we celebrate Native American Heritage Month throughout the month of November.


Celebrating Native American Heritage Month 2022

The Rev. Leslie Scoopmire, our Missioner for Indigenous Ministry Engagement, has put together a series of short stories to help us understand and appreciate the role Indigenous Americans and their culture have played and continue to play in our lives.


Response to St. Louis School Shooting

Bishop Deon Johnson and the Diocese respond to a deadly school shooting in St. Louis.
